Pedal Plane flight game Applied Widgetronics, Inc Robert Kooima, Joe Love
Game features Attract mode screen Level select –3 levels –Food worries –High scores
Gameplay Flying through rings, race against clock Human-powered plane –speed affected by stamina & food Cartoon-like world Free flight mode –No food, no stamina use
Game rationale Reasons for a cartoon-like flying game –Accessible to large audience –Simple control scheme Not aiming for realism –Likely to fail at being real –Realism is boring Combining these prevents frustration
Fun Features Cartoonish look and feel Stamina & food –Challenging –Funny (turkeys in the air) Distinct world design –Enjoyable Free flight
Graphical Elements World, model, graphic creation –Where did these come from? Tools used –Wings 3D –Milkshape –Gimp Hud & image overlay creation
Sound & Flight Sounds –Found throughout the game –Taken from sound archives Flight model –Based on very simplified real-world flight
Difficulties overcome Unfamiliarity with Blitz3D Doing it for the first time –Trial & error process in Blitz3D –Unexpected behaviors Difficulties moving 3D models into Blitz3D
Missed features More human audio –Breathing, panting, eating More custom sound effects Original Music Animated environment –Ex: cars moving around the world
What went right Proper time planning –Project did not overreach Use of Subversion –Subversion: a version control system –Multiple developers on the same code without spending time on conflict resolution
What we created A fun game An amusing game An easy to play, hard to beat game Original artwork & models Amusing audio