2Reverse Cuban 8, 4/8pt. Roll first, 2/2pt Roll second, exit Inverted (U) 3 Stall Turn ½ rolls up & down, Exit Inv 2 4 Two 2/4pt Rolls Reversed Inv to Inv 4 5 Humpty Bump (push, pull, pull), full roll up 6 Figure M with ¾ Rolls (U) 5 7 Top Hat 3/4pt Roll up, ¼ Roll Down 2 8 Triangle Snap Loop (D) 4 9 Half Square Loop, 2/4pt Roll up 2 10 Reverse Golf Ball from top, with ½ Rolls (U) 4 11 Split S with 2/4pt roll (2/4pt roll, ½ Inside Loop) 2 12 Slow Roll (D) 3 13 Half Cuban 8, 2/2pt down, Exit Inverted 2 14 Six Sided Outside Loop, exit Inverted (U) 4 15 Humpty Bump w/Options, Exit Inverted 3 16 Square Horizontal Eight, exit Inverted (D) 5 17 Half Square loop, 2/2pt Roll up degree down, 1 ½ positive snap roll, exit Inverted (U) 3 19 Stall Turn, Full Roll up, 2/4pt Roll down 2 20 Two Point roll, Slow Roll Reversed (D) 4 21 Immelman Turn 2 2 Reverse Cuban 8, 4/8pt. Roll first, 2/2pt Roll second, exit Inverted (U) 4 3 Stall Turn ½ rolls up & down, Exit Inv 2 4 Two 2/4pt Rolls Reversed Inv to Inv 4 5 Humpty Bump (push, pull, pull), full roll up 3 6 Figure M with ¾ Rolls (U) 5 7 Top Hat 3/4pt Roll up, ¼ Roll Down 2 8 Triangle Snap Loop (D) 4 9 Half Square Loop, 2/4pt Roll up 2 10 Reverse Golf Ball from top, with ½ Rolls (U) 4 11 Split S with 2/4pt roll (2/4pt roll, ½ Inside Loop) 2 12 Slow Roll (D) 3 13 Half Cuban 8, 2/2pt down, Exit Inverted 2 14 Six Sided Outside Loop, exit Inverted (U) 4 15 Humpty Bump w/Options, Exit Inverted 3 16 Square Horizontal Eight, exit Inverted (D) 5 17 Half Square loop, 2/2pt Roll up degree down, 1 ½ positive snap roll, exit Inverted (U) 3 19 Stall Turn, Full Roll up, 2/4pt Roll down 2 20 Two Point roll, Slow Roll Reversed (D) 4 21 Immelman Turn 2
Approx 90 0 TURN Approx TURN DOWNWIND 520m Turnaround: pilot’s choice 150m 300m ZERO LINE - Any flying behind zero line scores zero points. Either TEN or ZERO for take-off sequence. Second attempt at take-off scores zero. Takeoff sequence not followed, zero (0) points. Model takes off outside of the landing zone, zero (0) points. Only two scores a 10 or a 0 may be awardedfor the take-off sequence. OPTIONAL approx 90 0 TURN Or 270 TURN Approx 90 0 TURN DOWNWIND **REVISE WORDING AND DOWNGRADES ** Takeoff
Inverted exit – Reverse Cuban 8, 4/8pt. Roll first, 2/2pt Roll second, exit Inverted ! Loops not round and same size ! Model not at 45 degrees at start and finish of rolls. ! Changes in heading during loops and rolls. !Rolls not centered in the 45 degree lines and on each other. Straight and level entry 1/8 Loop on Entry 3/4 Loop
1/4 loop Inverted entrance and exit !Model not level at start and finish. !Track does not become exactly vertical. !Model track not vertical at start and finish of rolls and stall turn. !Return path not parallel to entry path. (Entry and exit altitudes may be different) !Pivot radius greater than 1/2 wingspan. !Pendulum movement after stall. !Loop segments not round with same size and radius. !Roll rates not equal Stall Turn ½ rolls up & down, Exit Inv 1/2 rolls on up and down lines
Two 2/4pt Rolls Reversed Inverted to Inverted Inverted entry Inverted exit !One-quarter rolls more or less than 90 degrees !Model does not hesitate after each quarter roll !Roll rate not constant !Changes in altitude !Changes in heading
Humpty Bump (push, pull, pull), full roll up 1/4 loop !Loop segments not round of equal radius. !Vertical climb and dive not vertical. !Roll not centered in vertical line !Over or under rotation on prescribed roll, one point per 15- degree rule 1/2 loop
!Model not vertical at start and finish of rolls and stall turns. !Stall turns not exactly 180 degrees !Model does not execute prescribed rolls. !Rolls not centered in vertical lines. !Bottom of outside half loop not at same altitude as entry and exit – Figure M with ¾ Rolls 1/2 outside loop Straight and level entry 3/4 rolls up and down 1/4 loop Straight and level Exit 1/4 loop
404-3 – Stall Turn ½ rolls up & down, Exit Inv 1/2 loop Straight and level exit !Model not level at start or finish. !2 of 4 pt roll not immediately after half loop. !Changes in heading after half loop or prescribed roll. !Model heading does not finish exactly opposite direction of entry. !Half loop not round. !Over or under rotation on prescribed roll, one point per 15-Degree rule.
1/4 loop Straight and level entrance and exit !Model not level at start and finish. !Track does not become exactly vertical. !Model track not vertical at start and finish of rolls and stall turn. !Return path not parallel to entry path. !Pivot radius greater than 1/2 wingspan. !Pendulum movement after stall. !Loop segments not round with same size and radius **FIX ENTRANCE /EXIT TO INVERTED** Stall turn, 1/2 Rolls up and down Exit Inverted 1/2 rolls on up and down lines
!Loop no t round ! Changes in heading during loop ! Wings not level during loop. ! Snap roll not 360 degrees, one point per 15-Degree Rule. !Roll not snap roll scores zero (0) – Two 2/4pt Rolls Reversed Inv to Inv Straight and level inverted exitStraight and level inverted entry Positive snap roll
Straight and level exit Humpty Bump (push, pull, pull), full roll up 1/2 loop Straight and level Inverted Entry !Model not level at start or finish. !Full roll not immediately after half loop. !Changes in heading after half loop or roll. !Model heading does not finish exactly opposite direction of entry. !Half loop not round. !Over or under rotation on prescribed roll, one point per 15-Degree rule.
1/4 loop ! All loop segments must be same radius ! Entry and exit on same level ! All legs 45 degree flight path !Equal length lines before and after rolls !Climbing and descending paths not 45 degrees. 3/8 loop 45 0 path 3/8 loop – Figure M with ¾ Rolls !Climbing and descending paths not of equal length Half rolls not 180 degrees. !Rolls not centered in corresponding legs. !Model changes heading during loops and rolls. !Maneuver does not start and finish at same point. !Loop segments not round and of equal radius. !Roll rates not constant.
! Model not vertical at start and finish of rolls ! Over or under rotation on prescribed roll, one point per 15-Degree rule !Model does not fly straight and level inverted and 90 degrees to the fightline. !Rolls not entered on line segments. !Roll rates not constant. !Loop segments not round and of equal radius Top Hat, 3/4 Roll Up / 1/4 Roll Down, Exit Upright 3/4 roll up Inverted across top 1/4 roll down 1/4 loop End View 1/4 loops same radius as at entry/ exit
Straight and level entry Straight and level exit !Model dos not hesitate at 90 and 270 degrees of rotation. !Wings not perpendicular to horizon at hesitation. !Roll rate not constant. !Changes in heading. !Changes in altitude – Triangle Snap Loop Same roll direction throughout
Half Square Loop, 2/4pt Roll up 1/2 loop Straight and level exit !Model not level at start or finish. !2 of 4 not immediately after half loop. !Changes in heading after half loop or prescribed roll. !Model heading does not finish exactly opposite direction of entry. !Half loop not round. !Over or under rotation on prescribed roll, one point per 15-Degree rule.
!Loops not square. !Vertical downward paths do not coincide. !Loops not same size. !Changes in heading. !Wings not level. !Sides of both squares not same size. !Corner loops not of equal radius Reverse Golf Ball from top, with ½ Rolls Straight and level exit Straight and level entry
!Loop components not round. !Radii of loop components not equal. !Half (1/2) roll not centered on down line – Split S with 2/4pt roll (2/4pt roll, ½ Inside Loop) Straight and level entry 1/4 loop 1/2 roll on middle of line 3/4 inside loop
Straight and level entry Straight and level exit ! Changes in heading. ! Changes in altitude. ! Roll rate not constant. ! Model does not roll exactly 360 degrees Slow Roll
Half Cuban 8, 2/2pt down, Exit Inverted Optional 1/4 roll or 1/2 roll up 1/4 loop ½ inside or outside loop If ¼ roll up then ¼ roll down 1/4 loop If ½ roll up, no roll down !Track not 90 degrees in climb and dive. !Rolls (as specified) not centered in vertical lines. !Over or under rotation on prescribed roll, one point per15- Degree rule. !Half loop not round. !Loop segments not round with same size and radius. !If optional 1/4 roll up is used,1/2 loop not 90 degrees to the flightline.
1/4 loop Straight and level exit Straight and level entry !Loop not square. !All rolls on middle of lines ! Point rolls not 90 degrees, one point per 15-Degree Rule. ! Wings not level during one- quarter loops. ! Changes in heading during rolls and loops. ! Sides of square not of equal length. ! Corner loops not of equal radius. ! Roll rates not constant. 1/4 loop 1/4 loop 1/4 loop – Six Sided Outside Loop, exit Inverted First 2 of 4
NEW Six Sided Outside Loop, exit Inverted
!Lines not 45 degrees !Changes in heading in loop segments or rolls. !Rolls not centered in the center 45-degree down lines !Over or under rotation of rolls, 1 point per 15° Rule – NEW Square Horizontal Eight, exit Inverted Straight and level exit Straight and level entry !Loops not square. !Loops not equal in size !Lines of square components not same size. !Changes in headings. !Wings not level. !Corner loops not of equal radius. !1/1 rolls not centered on lines. !Roll rates not constant. !Loops not same height or base
Straight and level entry !Corner loop segments not of equal radius. !Model not vertical before and after prescribed roll. !Model does not execute one half roll. !Half Roll not on middle of vertical line !Changes in heading in loop segments or during roll. !Roll rate not constant. !Up line track not vertical. 1/4 loop 1/4 loop Straight and level exit 404-NEW 17 - **MAKE 2/2 UP ** Half square loop, 2/2 roll up
– 45 deg down 1-1/2 positive Snap, exit inverted !Diving path not 45 degrees. !Loop segments not round and of equal size and radius. !Snap not a positive snap scores zero (0). !Snap Roll not centered in diving path !Changes in heading during loops or snap.
1/4 loop Straight and level entrance and exit !Model not level at start and finish. !Track does not become exactly vertical. !Model track not vertical at start and finish of rolls and stall turn. !Return path not parallel to entry path. !Pivot radius greater than 1/2 wingspan. !Pendulum movement after stall. !Loop segments not round with same size and radius **FIX ROLLS /EXIT TO INVERTED** Stall Turn, Full Roll up, 2/4pt Roll down 1/2 rolls on up and down lines
404-NEW 21 – Immelmann Turn 1/2 loop Straight and level exit !Not level at start !Deviates left / right during half loop !Half loop does not end exactly above loop start point !Half roll does not commence immediately after half loop. !Roll deviates from straight line !Does note finish in level flight !Model heading not exactly opposite the direction of entry !Half loop not round
1/2 roll to Straight and level exit Straight and level entry 1/4 loop – 2-1/2 -turn spin with half roll out ! Snap roll entry = ZERO ! Model climbs or dives during entry or exit, one point per 15-Degree Rule. Entry ends with the stall and exit begins at completion of one- quarter (1/4) loop recovery to level flight. !Wings not level during entry or exit. !Track of model not parallel with flight line before stall or after recovery, one point per 15- Degree Rule. !Wings not perpendicular to flightline at end of required number of turns, one point per 15- Degree Rule. !Spiral dive or pure rotation around roll axis of more than one-half (1/2) turn - zero (0). !Tail of model does not describe a cone during rotation - zero (0). !Wing passes through vertical plane before nose passes through horizontal plane (snap roll entry) - zero. !Fuselage reaches a vertical attitude before rotation begins (simulation of stall by application of elevator) - zero (0).
150m 300m TURN Either TEN or ZERO for landing sequence Must follow Landing Sequence or 0 points Any flying behind zero line scores 0 points. Model ends on back, 0 points Model impacts outside of landing zone, 0 pts Gear leg collapses or retracts- 0 points **REVISE WORDING AND DOWNGRADES ** Landing TURN (or 360 TURN if sequence ends downwind)
!Track not 90 degrees in climb and dive. !Rolls not centered in vertical lines. !Over or under rotation of roll, one point per 15-Degree rule. !Half loop not round. !Loop segments not round with same size and radius. !1/2 loop not 90 degrees to the flightline NO (1 of 2) Humpty, push or pull on top, 1/4 Roll Up, 3/4 Roll Down
404-7 NO (2 of 2) Humpty, push or pull on top, 1/4 Roll Up, 3/4 Roll Down 1/4 loop ½ inside or outside loop 3/4 roll down !Track not 90 degrees in climb and dive. !Rolls not centered in vertical lines. !Over or under rotation of roll, one point per 15-Degree rule. !Half loop not round. !Loop segments not round with same size and radius. !1/2 loop not 90 degrees to the flightline
Straight and level exit !One-quarter rolls more or less than 90 degrees. !Model does not hesitate in the two (2) knifeedge positions. !Roll rate not constant. !Roll direction changes after each knife edge pause !Middle of upright flight is middle of maneuver !Look for reverse direction! 404-OLD 19 –Reverse Knife Edge Look for reverse direction! Straight and level entry
1/4 loop Straight and level entry 5/4 roll up (shown) 3/4 roll down !Track not vertical at beginning and end of rolls and stall turn. !Track of stall turn not 180 degrees. !Over or under rotation of rolls, one point per15- Degree Rule. !Rolls not centered in vertical lines. !Loop segments not round and of equal radius. !Pendulum movement after stall.Exit not same altitude and heading as entry. !Roll rates not constant. 1/4 loop Straight and level Inverted Exit OLD 404-2– Centered Stall Turn ½ rolls up & down, Exit Inv