Heavy Quark and Quarkonia Production at RHIC Taku Gunji Center for Nuclear Study University of Tokyo ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Title1/43
Evidence of strong coupled QGP Large energy loss/large opacity (high pT) 1000<dNg/dy<2000 (GLV), 6<q<24 GeV 2 /fm (PQM) Partonic flow/small viscosity (low pT) Relativistic hydrodynamics, early thermalization (0.6fm/c) Quark coalescence (mid. pT) ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Major discovery at RHIC2 R. Lacey et al.: PRL 98:092301, 2007 v 2 PHENIX & STAR
Correlation tagged by Jets Particle correlation in and space Particle production with respect to reaction plane Thermal photon measurement T and d.o.f of the medium Heavy quark and Quarknoia measurement Transport properties of the medium Deconfinement, Temperature field and more …. ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Further investigation3 X-N. Wang, N. Xu, H. Zhang, G-L. Ma, in this conference Y. Yamaguchi, F-M. Lui in this conference Y. Kim, T. Gunji, K. Morita, H.Fujii, T. Umeda, Y. Akamatsu, S. Sakai, A. Rothkopf, E. Wang, in this conference
m HQ ≫ T, QCD Created only at the beginning of collisions via hard process. point like pQCD process and well calibrated in p+p collisions No chemical equilibrium. Abundance is frozen. Reveals transport properties of the medium. Energy loss and flow measurement Elastic vs. Radiative Diffusion constant / s of the medium ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Heavy Quarks4 B. Mueller, nucl-th/ G.D. Moore, D Teaney PRC71, (2005)
Probe of the Deconfinement Color screening [T. Matsui and H. Satz (1986)] Attraction between qqbar pairs is reduced in the medium. Color force is shorter range and binding is weaker. When force range/screening radius ( T -1 ) become less than binding radius, qqbar is never bound. ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Quarkonia5 Measurement of Quarkonia suppression Achieved temperature of the medium. H. Satz (SQM08)
Heavy Quark Production at RHIC ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Title of Part 16
Single leptons (e, ) via semi-leptonic decay c-hadron e + + anything (B.R.: 9.6%) D 0 (B.R.: 6.87%) D (B.R.: 17.2%) Cannot separate c/b. Direct meas. via hadronic decay Direct measurement (inv. Mass) D 0 K+ (B.R.:3.85%) Challenging meas. (S/N) e-h correlation c/b separation space or mass space. di-electrons ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Heavy Quark Measurement at RHIC7
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji PHENIX and STAR8 PHENIX Electrons & hadrons, |y|<0.35 Rejection>10 eff. (MB) Muons, 1.2<|y|<2.2 Cut 98% of hadrons by absorber. Single leptons, e-h, ee pairs STAR Hadrons & electrons, |y|<1 Larger acceptance for hadrons. Single electrons, e-h, Direct reconstruction
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Non-photonic electron measurement9 Electrons from heavy quark decays Inclusive electrons – photonic electrons Photonic electrons Conversion of photons in material Dalitz decay of light neutral mesons (mainly 0 and ) Cocktail subtraction & converter method
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Spectrum and FONLL calculation10 Spectrum and FONLL calculation Phys. Rev. Lett 97, (2006) Heavy flavor electron spectrum compared to FONLL. Data/FONLL = 1.71 with error Cross section shape for p T > 1.6 GeV/c agrees with FONLL upper limit
~50% contribution from b for p T e >3~4 GeV ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji b/(c+b) ratio by e-h correlation11 b/(c+b) ratio by e-h correlation S. Sakai
Shadowing/Cronin effect Results from 2003 d+Au R dA >1 for south (x 2 is large) R dA <1 for north (x 2 is small) 2008 d+Au data is necessary. ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Single leptons in d+Au12 Single leptons in d+Au Au going d going Eskola et al. NPA696 (2001) 729 gluons in Pb / gluons in p x Anti Shadowing |y|<1 Raphael (SQM08)
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Spectra in Au+Au collisions13 Spectra in Au+Au collisions MB p+p 0%~ ~92% PHENIX PRL (2007) Heavy flavor electron spectra Curves: binary scaled p+p Reference (FONLL) Clear high p T suppression developing towards central collisions S/B > 1 for pT > 2 GeV/c according to inside box figure
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji RAA vs. pT for various centralities14 R AA vs. p T for various centralities [pT<1.6 GeV/c] p+p: data (converter) [pT>1.6 GeV/c] p+p: scaled FONLL Suppression level is the almost same as 0 and in high pT. PHENIX PRL (2007)
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Non-photonic electron v215 Non-photonic electron v2 pQCD calculation with and without charm quark flow. Clear indication of charm flow in the medium. Final result from 2004 Au+Au Preliminary result from 2007 Au+Au Large v2 of non- photonic electrons is observed. PHENIX PRL (2007) Greco et al., PLB 595 (2004) 202
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Model Comparison16 Model Comparison pQCD radiative E-loss with upscaled transport coeff. Langevin with elastic pQCD + resonances + coalescence Langevin with upscaled pQCD elastic pQCD elastic scattering -1 = therm ~ 20 fm/c pQCD+resonance+coalescence -1 = therm ~ 5 fm/c ( therm for b ~ 15fm/c) PHENIX PRL (2007)
From diffusion coefficient to / s Rapp and van Hees [PRC 71:034907, 2005] D HQ x 2 T ~ 4-6. Moore and Teaney [PRC 71:064901, 2005] D HQ x 2 T ~ This gives / s ~ (4/3-2)/4 indicate small value and close to conjectured limit (ħ/4 ) significantly below /s of helium (4 /s ~ 9) ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Medium Properties17 Medium Properties strong coupl. s ≈ D x = 1/2TD weak coupl. s ≈ n tr =1/5 TD
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Hydro+Heavy Quark18 Hydro + Heavy Quark Relativistic treatment of Brown Motion Drag force inspired by AdS/CFT = (2.1 0.5) from AdS/CFT w.cs.c Y. Akamatsu et al. arXiv: Y. Akamatsu
R AA (e) = r*R AA b +(1-r)*R AA c, r=b/(c+b) [STAR] ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji 19 R AA c and R AA b p T >5 GeV/c o R AA c & R AA b correlation together with models o Dominant uncertainty is normalization in R AA analysis o R AA b < 1 ; B meson suppressed o prefer Dissociate and resonance model (large b energy loss) I; Phys. Lett. B 632, 81 (2006) ; dN g /dy = 1000 II; Phys. Lett. B 694, 139 (2007) III; Phys.Rev.Lett.100(2008) S. Sakai R AA c and R AA b
Further constraint of heavy quark transportation pQCD rad+el vs. AdS/CFT drag momentum loss High pT D and B measurement is necessary. ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji R AA c /R AA b 20 R AA c /R AA b W. Horowitz SQM07
Heavy quark measurement has been done by PHENIX and STAR. Differential cross section can be described by FONLL calculation (within theoretical uncertainty) Larger than 50% of b contribution for p T e >3-4 GeV/c Strong suppression in non-photonic yield was observed in Au+Au collisions. Compatible to pi0 and eta suppression. Large elliptic flow of non-photonic was observed. From R AA and v2, Strongly interacting (coupled) medium even for heavy quarks. charm quark thermalization ~ 5fm/c /s ~ (4/3-2)/4 , close to conjecture limit Differentiate D/B suppression pattern more helpful ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Conclusion (1)21 Conclusion (1)
Heavy Quarkonia Production at RHIC ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Title of Part 222
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji J/ Mass Spectra at RHIC23 J/ Mass Spectra at RHIC 2005 p+p2008 d+Au 2004 Au+Au 2005 Cu+Cu
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji J/ Production in p+p collisions24 J/ Production in p+p collisions PHENIX PRL 98, (2007) STAR arXiv: [nucl-ex] PHENIX PRL 98, (2007) STAR arXiv: [nucl-ex] M. J. Leitch RHIC&AGS Meeting 2008
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji J/ Production in the medium25 J/ Production in the medium Initial stage Gluon shadowing Gluon saturation (CGC) Nuclear Matter Nuclear absorption Cronin effect Hot and dense medium Color screening Dissociation by gluon Regeneration from heavy qqbar pairs [Bhanot+Peskin ’79] ccbar ~ 0.06fm, form ~ 1fm/c Initial + nuclear matter effect = “CNM effect”
Color screening Screening and Sequential Melting Feed down effect J/ ~ 0.6J/ +0.3 c +0.1 ’ Fraction not clear at RHIC R c < 42% (90% CL) R ’ = 8.6% 2.5% ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Hot and dense medium effects26 Hot and dense medium effects S. Digal, F. Karsch and H. Satz Potential Model & lattice simulations T J/ ~ 1.2Tc [A. Mocsy et al, PRL 99(2007)211602, HP’08] T c ~ 2Tc [T. Umeda, PRD. 75, (07)]
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Hot and dense medium effects27 Hot and dense medium effects R. Rapp et al. arXiv: Eur.Phys.J.C43:91-96,2005 A. Andronic et al. NPA 789 (2007) 334 Dissociation by gluons Gluo-effect : J/ +g ccbar Quasifree : J/ +g ccbar+g Dominance depends on bind of J/ . (Color Screening) Recombination From uncorrelated ccbar pairs. Enhance of the yield. Depends on charm production Statistical hadronization (A. Andronic et al.) Kinetic formation (R. Rapp et al.) J/ transport (L. Yan, N. Xu, P. Zhuang et al.)
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji J/ Suppression at SPS28 J/ suppression at SPS F. Karsch et al., PLB, 637 (2006) GeV R. Rapp et al. Phys.Rev.Lett.92:212301,2004. Sequential Melting Direct J/ unlikely to melt. c and ’ are screened. Absence associated feed down to J/ . Dissociation + Recombination a little recombination contribution
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Cold Matter effects29 Cold Matter effects Initial stage effect Gluon shadowing or Gluon Saturation (CGC) depletion of gluon PDF in heavy nuclei at small x Nuclear matter effect Nuclear absorption Dissociation of J/ or pre-resonance by spectators. Cronin effect σ abs = 4.18 ± 0.35 mb at SPS J/ in PHENIX: -2.2<y<-1.2 : x~0.09 y~0 : x~ <y<2.2 : x~0.003 arXiv: anti- shadowing shadowing
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji J/ Production in d+Au collisions30 J/ Production in d+Au collisions PHENIX PRC 77, (2008) Tendency is well agreement within shadowing predictions. EKS/NDSG Model (+2 1 process, g+g J/ ) Break up cross section is 2~4mb. Need more statistics to constraint cold matter effects. PHENIX revisits systematic error evaluation.
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Another shadowing model31 Another shadowing model E. G. Ferreiro et al. arXiv: [hep-ph] Tendency is well agreement with inclusion of extrinsic process. Less rapidity dep. Take into accout g+g J/ +g formation process (extrinsic)
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji 2008 d+Au collisions d+Au collisions PHENIX Run8 d+Au ~ 30 x Run3 d+Au 57,030 J/ (~73,000 from all data) 4,369 J/ ee (~6,000 from all data) 59 nb nb -1 Precise CNM effects will be studied using high statistic data!
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji J/ Production in A+A collisions33 J/ Production in A+A collisions |y|< <|y|<2.2 PRL.98, (2007)arXiv: PRL.98, (2007) PRL 101, (2008) R AA (1.2<|y|<2.2) < R AA (|y|<0.35) ~ R AA at SPS (0<y<1)
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji CNM effects in A+A34 CNM effects in A+A PHENIX PRC 77, (2008) PHENIX revisits systematic error evaluation. Even though error is large, CNM effect is similar between both rapidities Extrinsic treatment (g+g J/ +g) gives stronger CNM at forward. Stronger suppression than expectations from CNM effect Need more d+Au data to constraint CNM effects. E.G.Ferreiro et al. arXiv: Extrapolation from d+Au collisions
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Gluon Saturation in A+A D. Kharzeev et al. arXiv: dN/dy Normalization factor is from overall fit to data. can be fixed using high statistic d+Au data. Rapidity shape can be described by CGC. Final state effect is roughly rapidity independent. CGC (cold matter effect) can describe hadron production in A+A collisions at forward rapidity at RHIC. 35
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Statistical Hadronization36 Statistical Hadornization A. Andronic et al. NPA 789 (2007) 334, QM08 Less recombination at forward rapidity due to smaller cross section of charm at forward rapidity Need to understand charm production.
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Kinetic formation37 Kinetic formation X. Zhao, R. Rapp et al. arXiv: Stronger suppression is supplemented by recombination. Depends on charm thermalization time ( c ~ 7fm/c) Need to understand charm production in Au+Au Total yield with Charm relaxation time Available charm quarks for recombination is controlled by 1-exp(- / c ) Total = CNM effects + Dissociation (p-dep) + Coalescence ( c =7fm/c)
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Sequential Melting (Hydro+J/ )38 Sequential Melting (Hydro+J/ ) Embed free-streaming J/ c ’ into the evolution of matter. 3+1 hydro. N col distribution for J/ and p T from p+p. complete melting above dissociation temperature. J/ suppression at RHIC can be described by sequential melting. direct J/ suppression starts around N part ~160 (T ~ 2Tc in hydro). reflect temperature field of the medium. T J/ can be determined in a narrow region. (1.9< T J/ /Tc < 2.1) Hydro + J/ T. Gunji et al. PRC 76:051901,2007 T. Gunji et al. PRC , 2007 T J/ = 2.0Tc
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Sequential Dissociation39 Sequential Dissociation J/ transport Loss (dissociation) + gain (recombination) term Simplicity : Well agreement with the data T J/ /Tc = 1.9 Y. Liu et al. SQM08
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji J/ in high pT40 J/ in high pT M. J. Leitch RHIC&AGS 2008 Many effects are here… Cronin effect enhance higher pT (anti-)Shadowing enhance pT Recombination enhance lower pT Screening & dissociation suppress lower pT hot-wind scenario suppress high pT R AA for high p T J/ = 0.9 0.2 seems less suppression compared to low pT J/ ( R AA =0.59 0.02) but still consistent with R AA = 0.59 by fitting results. Need to have more data to disentangle: Cronin effect (d+Au), leakage effect, recombination,,,,,
33 J/ v2 at RHIC ATHIC Meeting /13/08: T. Gunji J/ v2 at RHIC41 First J/ flow measurement by PHENIX. v2 = -10% 10 % 2% 3% (mid-rapidity) J/ ’s from recombination should inherit large charm-quark flow. but difficult to see flow of J/ due to large error bars. Negative to positive v2 Just Mass ordering? Charm collectivity. Need more data and need to understand with charm quark v2. NA50 HP08 PRELIMINARY Run-4 Run-7 Rapp & van Hees, PRC 71, (2005) minimum-bias D. Krieg et al. arXiv:
J/ Production has been measured in p+p, d+Au, A+A collisions at RHIC. J/ Production in d+Au is consistent with shadowing pictures. Not constrained well due to the large errors. Wait for 2008 d+Au analysis J/ Measurement in Au+Au collisions gives many interesting observations. Similar suppression between at RHIC (y=0) and at SPS Stronger suppression at forward than at mid-rapidity. Dissociation+Recombination Sequential Melting+gluon saturation Large uncertainty on cold nuclear matter effects prevents a firm conclusion. More d+Au data. This is highest priority! Other observables (p T dist., v2) with high statistics will be helpful. ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Conclusion (2)42 Conclusion (2)
max min Detector Upgrade PHENIX VTX/FVTX/NCC STAR HFT/TOF/DAQ Luminosity advance 100,000 J/ 13,000 J/ ee LHC!! x10 charm, x100 bottom production ϒ family measurement J/ complete screening or strong recombination ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji For the future at RHIC43 For the future
ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Major discovery at RHIC2 Backup slides
Inclusive electrons – photonic electrons Photonic electrons Conversion of photons in material Dalitz decay of light neutral mesons (mainly 0 and ) Cocktail subtraction & converter method ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Major discovery at RHIC2 Non-photonic electron measurement N e Electron yield Material amounts: 0 0.4%1.7% Dalitz : 0.8% X 0 equivalent radiation length 0 W/ converter W/O converter 0.8% Non-photonic Photonic converter Photonic
Brownian Motion: scattering rate diffusion constant 3.) Heavy Quarks in the QGP Fokker Planck Eq. [Svetitsky ’88,…] Q pQCD elastic scattering: -1 = therm ≥20 fm/c slow q,g c Microscopic Calculations of Diffusion: [Svetitsky ’88, Mustafa et al ’98, Molnar et al ’04, Zhang et al ’04, Hees+RR ’04, Teaney+Moore‘04] D-/B-resonance model: -1 = therm ~ 5 fm/c c “D” c _ q _ q parameters: m D, G D recent development: lQCD-potential scattering [van Hees, Mannarelli, Greco+RR ’07] R. Rapp at SQM08
2.5 Comparison of Drag Coefficients pert. QCD with running coupling ~ AdS/CFT increase with temperature except T-matrix (melting resonances) R. Rapp at SQM08
2.1.3 Thermal Relaxation of Heavy Quarks in QGP factor ~3 faster with resonance interactions! Charm: pQCD vs. Resonances pQCD “D” c therm ≈ QGP ≈ 3-5 fm/c bottom does not thermalize Charm vs. Bottom R. Rapp at SQM08
Universal Bound Model Upper limit of energy, which can escape the medium. ATHIC Meeting /13/2008: T. Gunji Major discovery at RHIC2 Universality of jet quenching
AdS/CFT vs. pQCD with Jets Langevin model –Collisional energy loss for heavy quarks –Restricted to low p T –pQCD vs. AdS/CFT computation of D, the diffusion coefficient ASW model –Radiative energy loss model for all parton species –pQCD vs. AdS/CFT computation of –Debate over its predicted magnitude ST drag calculation –Drag coefficient for a massive quark moving through a strongly coupled SYM plasma at uniform T –not yet used to calculate observables: let ’ s do it!
–Use LHC ’ s large p T reach and identification of c and b to distinguish R AA ~ (1- (p T )) n(p T ), where p f = (1- )p i (i.e. = 1-p f /p i ) Asymptotic pQCD momentum loss: String theory drag momentum loss: –Independent of p T and strongly dependent on M q ! –T 2 dependence in exponent makes for a very sensitive probe –Expect: pQCD 0 vs. AdS indep of p T !! dR AA (p T )/dp T > 0 => pQCD; dR AA (p T )/dp T ST rad s L 2 log(p T /M q )/p T Looking for a Robust, Detectable Signal ST 1 - Exp(- L), = T 2 /2M q S. Gubser, Phys.Rev. D74 : (2006); C. Herzog et al. JHEP 0607:013,2006
Langevin Model –Langevin equations (assumes v ~ 1 to neglect radiative effects): –Relate drag coef. to diffusion coef.: –IIB Calculation: Use of Langevin requires relaxation time be large compared to the inverse temperature: AdS/CFT here
Integrated R AA pT integration, e + /e-: pT>0.3 GeV/c e + /e-: pT>3.0 GeV/c Pi0: pT>4.0 GeV/c There are large error bars, but we can see clear suppression in pT>3.0 GeV/c Submitted to PRL
Charm cross section from STAR Use all possible signals –D mesons –Electrons –Muons Charm cross section is well constrained –95% of the total cross section –Direct measurement –D-mesons and muons constrain the low-p T region Y. Zhang (STAR), Hard Probes 2006
Charm production at RHIC: total cross section FONLL as baseline –Large uncertainties due to quark masses, factorization and renormalization scale Phenix about a factor of 2 higher but consistent within errors –Only electrons but less background STAR data about a factor of 5 higher –More material but it is the only direct measurement of D- mesons 95% of the total cross section is measured
Electron R AA from d+Au to central Au+Au Use of non-photonic electron spectra as proxy for energy loss study R AA show increasing suppression from peripheral to central Au+Au –First evidence of heavy quark EL –Differences between STAR and PHENIX disappear in R AA Is it smaller than for light- quark hadrons? PHENIX nucl-ex/ STAR nucl-ex/
Heavy Quarks E el for heavy quark is larger than light quarks Langevin Eq. for v<<1 Moore & Teaney’05 pQCD Strong coupling SYM Casalderrey-Solana & Teaney’06 Gubser’06, Herzog et al’06 Upbound for escaping energy in strong coupling SYM Kharzeev’08 Rcb Ratio Horowitz & Gyulassy’08 Wicks et al’06,Djordjevic et al’06 X-N. Wang at HP08