By Bradley Malave, Ramon Fernandez, Jordan Epps and Kate Follett Child prostitution By Bradley Malave, Ramon Fernandez, Jordan Epps and Kate Follett
ABOUT CHILD PROSTITUTION For many reasons there are children who fall into prostitution. The ages range from 5 to 18 years old. Since these youngster have sex so often, most of them contract many diseases. In South east Asia, Burmese has one out of three sex workers that were infected with H.I.V.
A Political Crisis Kids that are neglected and abused by their families, run way from their homes and are forced to live on the streets. This leaves them unhappy, vulnerable, disaffected(rebellious) and with low self-esteem destroying their lives.
Why Is Child Prostitution Happening? Youths with low self-esteem get’s manipulated and recruited by pimps. Children that run away from home support themselves by selling themselves. Sexual-tourism occurs everywhere around the world.
How has prostitution affected these kids lives? These kids lives are being abused Mentally(pimps manipulating them) Emotionally Physically
World wide child prostitution India has 400,000 to 575,000 child prostitutes(first in the world) Brazil has 100,000 to 500,000 child prostitutes(second in the world) United states has 300,000(third in the world) Thailand and China are tied with 200,000 child prostitutes
Possible solutions Punishment of those that prostitute a child by treating the offence as first degree child abuse. Creation of special housing and aiding units for child prostitutes in urban areas, to help them escape Training of adults in contact with young people like teachers, counselors and members of children’s charities
Children should not be forced to face the horrors of selling their body. As time passes the age of child prostitution declines. If nothing is done about this serious situation then many more kids will fall victim to having their lives destroyed by prostitution. Don’t let them suffer like others have.