By Laney Sgrignoli
Location State- Colorado Capital- Denver Longitude °W Latitude- 40.4°W Region -West
Landforms -Rocky Mountains created most of our land forms - The Rocky Mountains National Park has many canyons and mountains - Rocky Mountains National Park is the highest park in the United States - These slow moving sheets of ice carved out the mountain features
Culture There are many different people that lived in the Rockies for thousands of years -American Indians traveled in the Rockies for thousands of years - Ute Indians hunted elk and moose in the Rockies during the summer time
waterways There is a lot of waterways in the Rocky Mountains -The piles of earth and rocks form natural dams that create mountains lakes -Sprague Lake is in Rocky Mountain National Park -Glaciers shape the Rocky’s
Rocks and minerals - Rocks and minerals in the Rocky Mountains - Copper easily the most valuable metallic resources -The rocky mountains are noted for many underground mines for: silver, gold, lead, and zinc - The Rocky’s have also produced large quantities of molybdenum, beryllium and uranium