ENER - INDOOR Centre for Energy Efficient Technologies and Systems in Indoor Environment Engineering ENER-INDOOR Silesian University of Technology Chair of Heating, Ventilation and Dust Removal Technology
Since the 1st January 2003, the ENER ‑ INDOOR Centre for Energy Efficient Technologies and Systems in Indoor Environment Engineering has been established at the Chair, by a decision of the European Commission.
Chair of Heating, Ventilation and Dust Removal Technology Faculty of Power and Environmental Engineering, Silesian University of Technology Konarskiego 20, Gliwice, Poland
Main research activities: Rationalization of energy use for district heating, heating and air conditioning, Aerodynamics of ventilation and dust removal technology, Integrated simulation of the air change and energy consumption in buildings; Laboratory and field studies of ventilation systems, Thermal and laser Doppler anemometry, Technology of measurement of dust concentration and flow rate.
For a few years the Chair has been also taking part in international cooperation programmes organised both by EC and International Energy Agency (EC research project MAT1—CT , EC-Contract No ERB IC15 CT , IEA&BCS programmes: Annex 26, Annex 30).
The technical problems of our interest, which are a subject of the Centre activity, are located within the 5 Framework Programme for RTD: „Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development – Part B: Energy program” They correspond to a set of priority topics of: Key Action 6: Economic and Efficient Energy for a Competitive Europe, Key Action 4: Environment and Health ENER-INDOOR
energy efficient HVAC systems and integration of solar and ground energy technologies into buildings – in Key Action 6 advanced solutions for reducing thermal losses in buildings – in Key Action 6 energy storage for HVAC purposes – in Key Action 6 assessment of indoor environment exposures – in Key Action 4 ENER-INDOOR Our priorities:
The fundamental goal for the Centre is the intensive raising of the level of scientific skills and engineering abilities of Polish professional sectors shaping the conditions of indoor environment in buildings by their better integration into the European research area. The aim for the Centre itself is to consolidate and strengthen the existing links and to establish new ones between the Centre and other similar centres and networks in EU and NAS. ENER-INDOOR
The work of the Centre will be organized in five work packages: three thematic ones (W1 W3) and two of a general and organizing character (W4, W5): W1Energy Efficient Space Heating, Cooling and Ventilation, and Integration of Renewables into Buildings W2Integrated Simulation of Energy and Indoor Environment in Buildings W3Measurement and Control Techniques for HVAC Systems and Indoor Climate W4Promotion and Dissemination W5Administration and Co-ordination
block of measures is planned to fulfil the task of acquiring modern knowledge by the Centre scientific staff on the realization, simulation and control of new, energy efficient HVAC processes. Scheduled are study visits and training visits – taking place in advanced centres in EU – the participants of which are the Centre staff. different forms envisaged of spreading the new knowledge among interested receivers first of all these are workshops and a conference to which final users will be invited by the Centre. Besides, publications in the Centre’s own regular bulletin and in professional journals, as well as a special, Web site will be edited. ENER-INDOOR Activity
study visits of Polish researchers to EU centres training visits of Polish researchers to EU), workshops with participation of EU/NAS specialists, organized in Poland for Polish/NAS representatives, conference with participation of EU/NAS specialists, organized in Poland for Polish/NAS representatives, monograph summing up the visits, workshops and conference presentations ENER-INDOOR Milestones and tasks