Three Refuge Formula: “I go for refuge to the Buddha.” “I go for refuge to the Dharma.” “I go for refuge to the sangha.”
Dharma = knowledge of how things really are, incl. Truth about nature and function of world Law of death, rebirth and karma Four Noble Truths “Dependent co-arising”
Nirvana: Permanent freedom from samsara, experiencing reality in unconditioned freedom Mahayana: Living in this world but with utterly selfless perspective
Buddha revered for achievement. One of many Buddhas Triyaka (three body) teaching: Dharma Body, Bliss Body, Transformation Body
Eternal universe in karmic cycles of creation and destruction Everything is transient “No self” (no atman), but effect of dependent co-arising All reality is Buddha-nature
Twelve Causes: 1. Ignorance 2. Volitional actions 3. Consciousness 4. Personal existence 5. Mind & senses 6. Contact 7. Sensations & feelings 8. Craving 9. Grasping 10. Becoming-forces 11. Rebirth 12. Aging and dying
Six Destinies: 1. Hells 2. Hungry ghosts 3. Animals 4. Humans 5. Demigods 6. Gods
Wisdom: 1. Right understanding 2. Right intention Moral conduct: Noble3. Right speech Eightfold4. Right action Path: 5. Right livelihood Contemplation: 6. Right effort 7. Right mindfulness 8. Right concentration
The position of the layfolk: Theravada: Seek to gain merit. Only monks or nuns can attain nirvana Mahayana: Can gain Buddhahood, through meditation or with aid of Buddhas and bodhisattvas
Five Precepts: 1. Refrain from taking life (i.e. ahimsa [non-violence]) 2. Refrain from taking what is not given 3. Refrain from wrongful sexual relations 4. Refrain from wrongful speech 5. Refrain from drugs and liquor