No Sacred Text. No Sacred Text. Hindu gods were Brahman- the creator, Vishnu- the preserver, and Shiva- the destroyer. Hindu gods were Brahman- the creator, Vishnu- the preserver, and Shiva- the destroyer. People believed in reincarnation. People believed in reincarnation. Big law was Karma in which all the actions of a persons life that affect their fate. Big law was Karma in which all the actions of a persons life that affect their fate. Ahisma is the nonviolence moral principle. Ahisma is the nonviolence moral principle. All Hindus’ goal in life is Moksha, union with Brahman. All Hindus’ goal in life is Moksha, union with Brahman.
Buddhism has four noble truths. 1 is all life is full of suffering, pain, and sorrow. 2 is the cause of suffering is the desire for things that are really illusions. 3 is the only cure for suffering is to overcome desire. 4 is the way to overcome desire is to follow the 8 fold path. The final goal is Nirvana – the union from the universe and release from the cycle of rebirth. The spread of Buddhism spread all over Asia and became a strong religion that eventually split up into 2 major schools. 1 school was Theravada- closely followed Buddha’s original teachings The other was Mahayana- made Buddhism easier for people to follow.
The Maurya empire. (321 BC to 185BC) The Maurya empire. (321 BC to 185BC) It started in the Ganges Valley by Chandragupta. It started in the Ganges Valley by Chandragupta. Its capital was Pataliputra. Its capital was Pataliputra. After the death of Asoka (Chandragupta’s grandson) India divided again. After the death of Asoka (Chandragupta’s grandson) India divided again. The Guptas ( Five hundred years after the Maurya empire) The Guptas ( Five hundred years after the Maurya empire) Had a golden age from 320 AD – 550 AD. Had a golden age from 320 AD – 550 AD. Had mathematicians, physicians, and artisans. Had mathematicians, physicians, and artisans. Trading and farming flourished at this time. Trading and farming flourished at this time. Built stupas – large dome shaped buildings. Built stupas – large dome shaped buildings. The Huns destroyed their cities and once again India is divided. The Huns destroyed their cities and once again India is divided.
Caste System Rules forbade marrying out of their caste Caste systems governed every aspect of life like where people lived, what they ate, how they dressed, and how they earned a living. An “Untouchable” is a member of the lower caste and their life was rough and restricted. Untouchables were grave diggers, street cleaners, and turned animal skins to leather. Others were scared of untouchables. They had to live apart from everyone and they wore a wooden clapper so people would be warned when an untouchable is coming.
MMMMost Indians lived in small villages. AAAA village headsman and council made decisions and dealt with outside authorities, the council contained most respected people of the village. VVVVillage homes were made of earth and stone. BBBBeyond the homes were farms that grew wheat, rice, cotton, and sugar cane. TTTThey depended on monsoons for farming purposes. AAAA basic family was a joint family – parents, children, and grandparents. IIIIn a patriarchal family the father was the head of the household and consulted with his wife and others.
Children, Parents, and Women AAt an early age children learned family duties. AA young girl learns that as a wife she has to serve and obey her husband and family. PParents had to arrange good marriages for their children. IIn some parts of India, a bride’s family provided a gift to the bridegroom and paid for the wedding. The wife lives with the husband’s family. GGupta upper caste women could move freely in society. MMost women were restricted to their home and had to be covered from head to toe when they went out. LLower caste women worked in fields spinning and weaving.
Legalism was started by Hanfeizi who was another Chinese philosopher. He died in 233 BC. “ The nature of man is evil. His good is acquired.” Greed was the motive of most actions and causes of most conflicts. Consisted of strict laws and harsh punishments. Due to its emphasis on law, Hanfeizi’s teachings were known as Legalism. Never became a religion.
Daoism Was found by Laozi “ Old Master.” He is credited to have written The Way of Virtus. Differed from Confucianism and Legalism. Evolved into a popular religion with gods, goddesses, and magical practices. Daoist priests experimented with Alchemy – the transformation of metal into gold. Are thought to have invented gunpowder, which they only used to frighten away ghosts.