Buddha: Enlightened one Buddha, Siddhartha Gutama, was once a young Hindu prince who never left his palace. One day, Buddha left his palace and saw many pains in the world like death and sickness. Buddha then gave up his possessions to find the cause of human suffering. This was the beginning of Buddhism!
Buddha believed suffering was not outside in the world, but in your own mind! To find this suffering, Buddha learned to meditate, or focus inward to find spiritual awareness. (What does that mean to you?) After Buddha meditated under a fig tree for 49 days, he traveled across India to share his answer. Buddhists want to remove the desire for worldly things from their lives The Buddha and His Teachings
Buddhists want to free themselves from reincarnation and reach Nirvana, which means lasting peace! To reach Nirvana, Buddhists believe that you should act unselfishly toward others and treat people fairly. Buddha taught that ALL PEOPLE ARE EQUAL! So anyone could reach Nirvana. Nirvana!
Monks are Buddhists who establish monasteries where they learn to meditate. Monks were encouraged by Buddha to become missionaries, or people who spread their religious beliefs. Two kinds of Buddhists: Theravada and Mahayana Monks!
Shared Beliefs: What is the same and what is different? Hinduism Ahimsa or nonviolence! Wrong to harm living creatures! Samsara Hindu sacred texts Buddhism Peace to all people! Respect all living creatures! Reincarnation Buddhist teachings!
What is your favorite teaching of Buddha and why? Additional question: answer on the back of your paper.