2008 Community Door Training & Awareness Workshop Lets look over the Community Door Website
To provide an overview and introduction to the Community Door website, and the tools, information and resources available on the website Session purpose
Community Door site Designed to meet sector need Launched December 2006 Continually updated - maintains currency Access is available to the general public with some tools accessible via registration and secure login.
Overview of the Community Door website – more in-depth details in next sessions Understand what online tools and resources are available on the Community Door website Navigate the site and locate required information Know which tools require a user id and password to access information Explain the site contents to others Session objectives
xxxx xxxxx
Management Support Online
Social Security Handbook
You need to find information about case studies related to collaboration. Where would you look for these? Where would you locate answers to some of your questions about the Draft Standards. Where would you find the MYOB training manual? List the four content areas that you’ll need a user ID and password to access? Quick quiz
Community Door is a 'one-stop shop' for information, tools and resources to support community-based organisations in Queensland Easy to navigate, access to tools from the homepage Some content requires users to register to be able to access information Sector input for new content Summary