S IX M AJOR N UTRIENTS HUM-FNW-4: Evaluate Nutritional information in relation to wellness or individuals and families HUM-FNW-4.1: Identify basic nutrient information i.e. nutrient classes and major sources of each.
W ORDS TO K NOW ! NUTRITION - is the science that studies how body makes use of food. DIET - is everything you eat and drink.
NUTRIENTS Chemicals found in foods critical to human growth & Development Nutrients… Supply energy Help build cells and tissues Regulate body processes
M ALNUTRITION Poor nutrition over an extended period of time. Body does not get what it needs from food Body does not have the nutrients it needs for energy, growth, repair and the regulation of various body processes.
M ALNUTRITION C ONT. Causes overweight and underweight health situations Delays or inhibits growth and development as well as resistance to diseases in children Affects teenage girls in childbearing years Severely affects unborn child in pregnant women Affects your health and life span
T HE P ROCESS OF S ATISFYING H UNGER 1. You need energy 2. You feel hungry 3. You eat to get rid of hunger 4. You feel satisfied 5. You need more energy 6. The cycle repeats again
W HAT F OOD D OES FOR Y OU It provides energy for daily activity It gives you raw material Eating is an enjoyable activity
S IX N UTRIENTS Carbohydrates Protein Fat Minerals Vitamins Water
C ARBOHYDRATES Carbohydrates are the primary source of energy. Mainly from Plant sources Whole Grains (important for fiber) Fiber – Non digestible (20-30g/day at age 5+) Two Types – Simple and Complex 4 calories per gram All must be broken down into simple sugars for the body to absorb them. Glucose, sucrose, fructose, maltose, lactose starch and cellulose.
P ROTEIN The chemical building blocks of the body needed for growth, maintenance & repair of tissues. Repair body tissue, immune system 1/5 th of the entire body weight Excess protein is stored as fat Chains of amino acids (22 needed 9 essential) 4 calories per gram Kwashiorkor – diseased caused from deficiency Complete proteins – animal sources & soy Incomplete proteins – missing 1 key amino acid
F ATS Fats are another source of energy. It also protects against temperature changes. Promote Healthy Skin & Cell Growth Saturated fats RAISE cholesterol Unsaturated fats may LOWER cholesterol Monounsaturated & Polyunsaturated oils Hydrogenation – Crisco Trans fatty acids – partially hydrogenated oils 9 calories/gram Energy Source – transport nutrients (fat soluable vitamins) Excess Stored as fat in the body Cholesterol – LDL = BadHDL = Good Adds flavor to our foods
V ITAMINS Vitamins help regulate body functions. Keep the body tissue healthy & help systems function properly. Fat Soluble – A,D,E&K Water Soluble – C & B Organic substances A – vision, beta carotene, dark green leafy & yellow orange veggies D – Calcium absorption, sunshine vitamin, fortified milk, rickets E – Antioxidant, clear skin, nuts & oils, green leafy veggies K – clotting of the blood, green leafy veggies, daily, egg yolks
V ITAMINS C ONT. C – Immune System, ascorbic acid, maintains healthy bones, teeth, iron absorption, antioxidants & scurvy B – is in all grains Niacin – b3 nervous system and carbs to energy pellagra Riboflavin – b2 turns carbs to energy Thiamin – b1 turns carbs to energy, nervous system, beri beri. Folate – not enough causes birth defects, builds red blood cells with b12. Green leafy veggies & Grains
M INERALS Minerals help your body work properly. Macro & Micro minerals (trace minerals) Inorganic Calcium – bone growth, osteoporosis Phosphorus – with calcium, building body cells. Sodium – chlorine, potassium, osmosis & fluid balance Iron – Carries oxygen to the blood Zinc – body heals, growth of tissue Fluorine – strengthens teeth (Water) Iodine – bodies use of energy (Iodized Salt)
W ATER Water is essential to our body because it carries nutrients. Critical for survival 60% of your body is water 80% of blood is water Need in most chemical reactions in the body Hydration Temperature control of the body Weight – 3 8oz glasses/day is needed Sources – water, juice, milk, fruit, soup etc.
H OW M UCH S HOULD Y OU E AT ? It depends on three factors: - Gender - Activity level - Age