Homemade Apple Wine Natalia Manko
Why did I choose to make apple wine My friend’s garden - last year
What we can make from apples?
Beginning of my inquiry Internet search I started search for homemade wines Urban Forager Blog – The fun and healthy family foraging activity htful-home-made-drinks.html Wines can be made from plums, cherry, raspberry, blueberry.
Beginning of my inquiry Internet search Too much information Back to apple wine!!!
Beginning of my inquiry Internet search - Find simple recipes of apple wine - Made a list of Essentials required for winemaking - Watch YouTube video Home made Apple Wine
Time for actions. From Theory to Practice Talk to an Expert After I collected preliminary information, I want to ask some specific questions about the process. What can I use as raw materials
Time for actions. From Theory to Practice How we can control the process? What are the critical steps? Hydrometer – device to measure density
Time for actions. From Theory to Practice Now I feel I can control the process
Resources in Winnipeg I have a list of supplies recommended by the expert I check the website of Brewer Direct store and found Starter Kit Wine Yeast
Resources in Winnipeg Visit the store CorksLabels
Final Product I felt lost at the beginning but now I can see my goal.