The influence of metabolism, hormones, the properties of bone, dietary life, nutrition, living and social environment make differences in growth and development of children. Source Figure; ● Individual Differences in Growth and Development of Children
Standard Pattern of Height Growth Adolescent Growth Spurt Growth Spurt girl Source Figure;
1. Parents Height Height at 6 years of age, average of parents height, Bone Age, and entering the puberty period influence children ’ s height growth. 2. Late Adolescence Makes Height Increase See next figure. ● Factors influencing Height Growth
Height(cm ) boy Age(year ) Late Adolescence Growth Height Spurt average Early Adolescenc e Growt h Height Spurt Source Figure; Late Adolescence Makes Height Increase
Standard Deviation ( SD ) shows how distribute the examples from the mean. Measured height data on many of the same age children have a normal distribution. See next figure. ● SD Score Method for the Evaluation of Height About 2.3 % of the total number of children with height data of under -2SD are considered to have growth disorders, such as growth hormone deficiency. ● SD Score
Averag e Height high low Height 68.3% of all the people whose height is between -1SD and +1SD 95.4% of all the people whose height is between -2SD and +2SD 2.3% of all the people whose height is less than -2SD Normal Distribution of Height Source Figure;
height - average height SD Score = Standard Deviation ( SD ) Source Figure; ● SD Score Equation
Evaluation of height growth on the same sex and age children. A child who has stopped growing or is growing more slowly than expected will often need an evaluation of height growth. ● Cross-Sectional Standard Growth Chart
Data in 2000 Height(cm ) boy Age(year ) Weight(Kg ) Heigh t Weigh t average Source Figure; Cross-Sectional Standard Growth Chart
1. Poor growth may be the first sign of a problem in some diseases. 2. Early diagnosis and treatment of some conditions may help children achieve a more typical adult height. 3. Child neglect or abuse may also be associated with failure to grow. ●Importance of Early Detection for Growth Disorders
Height(cm ) AGE(year ) Growth in Height shows down at point A average Source Figure; Case of Growth Hormone Deficiency ( one girl )
is a disorder that involves the pituitary gland (the small gland at the base of the brain that secretes several hormones, including growth hormone). A damaged or malfunctioning pituitary gland may not produce enough hormones for normal growth. ● Growth hormone deficiency
= weight (kg)/ ( height (cm) 3 )x 10 7 ● Rohrer index = weight (kg)/ ( height (m) 3 )x 10 Rohrer index Useful to calculate the obesity level of children ● Rohrer Index
Severely Underweightunder 1 00 Underweight 101〜115 Normal Weight 116〜144 Overweight 145〜159 Obeseover 160 ● Rohrer Index
ex. height : 135cm, weight : 30kg Rohrer index = 30÷1.353×10 = 30/2.46×10 = 122 ( Normal Weight ) ● Rohrer Index