Welcome to Unit 6 Middle Childhood Ages We will begin right at 7:00. Please call tech support at if you need any assistance.
Tonight: We will cover: brief review of Unit 5 key Concepts in Unit 6 standardized testing height and weight of school- aged children emotional regulation emotional development
Review of Unit 5 What is one main point that you learned in Unit 5? In Unit 5 we discussed children in the age group of 2 – 5. O how the home environment affects the child as a whole O gender roles and how they are developed
Key Concepts During the concrete operational stage, children become more rational and logical in their thinking. Who have we studied that would make this remark? What does this mean?
Key Concepts Prior knowledge contributes to expertise that children have in specific areas of development.
Key Concepts: IQ As children get older, traditional IQ scores are quite stable overall and are reliable predictors of school performance and achievement. Research studies have shown that traditional intelligence is a combination of both genetics and environmental influences. Traditional IQ tests have been criticized for having a narrow view of intellectual functioning while newer theories have proposed multiple types of intelligence- -many of which are not measured by traditional IQ tests.
Standardized Testing Also called high-stakes testing. IQ Achievement FCAT (Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test) Other state tests
Standardized Testing: Pros & Cons Do they really help the student? In what way? How can these tests be used to help students? Do they cause students to be labeled?
Height & Weight What is causing height to increase in children over the decades? How are children who are overweight in school treated?
Discussion Topics Topic 1: In our text we read about secular changes in weight and height that have occurred over the past several decades. Based on the course material: What are two factors that have resulted in increased height in children? Think back to when you were growing up. How were children who were overweight treated in your school? Do you think this treatment would be the same or different now? Why? Topic 2: Standardized tests, including intelligence and achievement tests, are increasingly used to assess children's abilities and their progress in school. How can these tests be used to help children instead of labeling them? Give an example from your own experience of how standardized tests have been used in schools with children and the impact they have.
Seminar The focus of our Seminar this week is on emotional development and how we feel about ourselves. 1.How do elementary school-aged children regulate their emotions differently from preschool-aged children? 2.What are the implications for poor self-esteem in children during the middle years? Referring to the earlier units on infancy, how can self-esteem be developed in children? 3.How might self-esteem impact a child’s school performance?
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