SNS EPICS Config. Database Control System Configuration DB Workshop, Sep. Jlab … participants from BESSY, BNL, JLab, PSI IOC DB meeting, Oct. LANL Smita Sathe, BNL, Jeff Patton, ORNL Rozelle Wright, Deb Kerstiens, Bob Dalesio, Kay Kasemir, LANL
Issues 4 SNS-wide approach for Names, Power Supplies, Magnets, Optics, …. –Can eventually create EPICS DB, but when? –Similar approach: BESSY Can create *.DB from RDB device info + templates/knowledgeable scripts, but: full EPICS record information is not in RDB, not even record names which are useful for configuring archiver, save/restore, reports,...
Put EPICS *.DB in RDB 4 Doesn’t contradict later SNS-wide RDB 4 Experience on LEDA (Bob Dalesio, Lisa Day): –Tabular view allows rapid data entry –RDB helpful for setting e.g. limits of related records at once –RDB provides reports: signal lists, used/unused HW 4 Problem: How to include external sources, e.g. Capfast schematics, and keep track of changes to both external source and RDB?
EPICS RDB Idea EPICS RDB: reports, define missing fields,... IOC *.DB, maybe startup, dbd *.DB emacs, vi,... Device RDB Capfast template script *.DB IOC *.DB SQL, perl-DBI JDBC
EPICS RDB Tables 4 IOC: id/name, location, IP, … (Smita’s definition) 4 EPICS_LOGIC: id/name, ioc_id, description –defines a collection of records (device, app., …) 4 EPICS_RECORD_TYPE, EPICS_FIELD_DEF,.._MENU –Describe record types & fields, from DBD, for GUI tools 4 EPICS_RECORD, EPICS_FIELD –Instance definitions. Important details: record belongs to logic record has “external_source” each field has “external_value” from import into RDB and “internal_value” that can be changed to overwrite ext. val.
Perl Scripts 4 List/add/remove IOCs, Logics 4 Create DB file for IOC or Logic 4 In progress: –Read DBD files from EPICS/base to have full record definitions in RDB –Read/write selected records as table to allow spreadsheet import/export
Java GUIs 4 Single Record, all fields editor: –see source, int. + ext. value 4 Multiple. Recs, selected fields: –rapid entry –color coded