He was born the 23 rd of April Cervantes was born this same year. His theatre was The Globe. This theatre was built in July He died 1616 on the day of his 52 nd birthday.
Shakespeares principal tragedies were: - Othello - Romeo and Juliet - Hamlet - Mc Beth
Othello was a military general of Venice, his love was for Desdemona. Desdemona was the daughter of a Venetian stateman. Iago was a career military man who wanted revenge against Othello. Iago made Othello think that between Desdemona and Cassio, who was a career military man promoted by Othello, there was an affair.
Iago said that because Othello didnt give Iago the position of lieutenant. Othello demanded to Desdemona a handkerchief which was Othellos first present as evidence of fidelity. Desdemona didnt have the handkerchief because Iago put it in Cassios chamber.
Othello became convinced that Iago was right about Desdemona and Cassio and thought that Desdemona must die. Othello awoke the sleeping Desdemona with a kiss and finally accused her of infidelity. Desdemona said that she didn`t have an affair with Cassio and that she loved her husband. Othello didn`t believe her, and killed her.
Emilia, Iagos wife, arrived and said to Othello that Desdemona was a faithful wife and that the villain was Iago. Othello killed himself.Othellos last wish was that the people remembered him as one who once did good service for Venice and one who loved not wisely, but too well.
Iago didnt die at the end although he was to be taken away and tortured.