Iantha M. Haight
Social bookmarking tools are being used by business, libraries Can they be used successfully in college and university courses? Challenges for students, faculty Examine benefits, requirements, motivations, and possible implementations
Mathes: enable browsing & user vocabulary Localized & refined version of the Web Organizing & collaborating Exploratory search & serendipity Career preparation Monitoring student progress & interests
Easy to use Firewall Privacy Group formation Customer support & spam protection Highlight, save, and annotate
Educational psychology: intrinsic and extrinsic rewards Extrinsic rewards: grades Challenging assignments Consistent feedback
Reciprocity Collectivism Personal gain Respectful environment Altruism Technology (convenient & accessible) Interest of the seeker
Rewards Community benefit Goal setting Reputation Self-benefit
Current events Developments in the field Ongoing research Other: photography, literature, foreign languages