TAILORING EPORTFOLIOS FOR A PROFESSIONAL AUDIENCE Veena Chattaraman Department of Consumer and Design Sciences (CADS) College of Human Sciences, Auburn University How do you focus the ePortfolio for a professional audience? Showcasing clear intent in job search through appropriate selection of portfolio artifacts in accordance with career goals Showcasing knowledge of industry expectations through presentation of relevant portfolio artifacts using appropriate media that demonstrate desired job-related knowledge, skills, and competencies Tailoring portfolio presentations to specific professional opportunities through related categories of artifacts that demonstrate relevance and fit to the opportunity ePortfolios have multiple objectives: Programmatic objectives geared toward accreditation and assessment of student learning outcomes using an integrative and cumulative approach Student-centered objectives geared toward self- reflection on learning experiences, articulation of goals, and representation of knowledge, skills, and experiences through appropriate artifacts Professional objectives geared toward linking classroom learning to job-related skills for successful employment EPORTFOLIO OBJECTIVES EPORTFOLIO OBJECTIVES IN CADS AAFA, CIDA and SACS accreditation Internal assessment of SLO’s gained across courses External assessment AAFA, CIDA and SACS accreditation Internal assessment of SLO’s gained across courses External assessment Programmatic Focus Professional Focus Student Focus Selecting and refining artifacts Targeting employers Tailoring portfolio, collateral and presentation Career planning Work atmosphere Selecting and refining artifacts Targeting employers Tailoring portfolio, collateral and presentation Career planning Work atmosphere Self-reflection Goals and philosophy articulation Self- presentation and empowerment Showcasing learning artifacts to different audiences Self-reflection Goals and philosophy articulation Self- presentation and empowerment Showcasing learning artifacts to different audiences EPORTFOLIO PROFESSIONAL FOCUS THE TEACHING CHALLENGE A Possible Solution: Partnership with involved, programmatic Industry Advisory Boards (IABs) can be an effective way to overcome this challenge This paper shares some best practices from CADS on engaging IABs in a productive dialog with students at different stages of ePortfolio development Teaching Problem: Teaching students about industry expectations within a classroom environment can be a challenge INDUSTRY ADVISORY BOARD ENGAGEMENT STAGE 1 CAREER PREPARATION INDUSTRY ADVISORY BOARD ENGAGEMENT STAGE 1 CAREER PREPARATION STAGE 2 INDUSTRY EXPECTATIONS Purpose: To understand skills and knowledge expectations for different functional roles in the industry, so students can showcase appropriate competencies through portfolio artifacts Timing: During the course of the semester. Implementation: Portfolio course Relevant IAB members as guest speakers in the portfolio course to discuss industry expectations for specific job roles and industry sectors STAGE 3 INDUSTRY REVIEW Purpose: To facilitate professional reviews of student portfolios Timing: End of semester Implementation: Portfolio course Two IAB members chosen as external reviewers for final portfolio presentations based on their focus areas Members participate in visual and oral portfolio presentation using Adobe Connect to join from remote locations Members provide an external assessment of student portfolios through both written as well as scaled feedback Students receive two industry reviews of their portfolio AUBURN UNIVERSITY Purpose: To help students with career planning and development To introduce the concept of portfolios and why it is an important tool for successful employment Timing: At the early end of the portfolio development process Early October in CADS Implementation: Departmental initiative Career Fair with IAB members – share company/industry information, career paths Professional Development Panels with IAB members during mandatory internship meetings College of Human Sciences, Department of Consumer and Design Sciences 308 Spidle Hall, Auburn University, AL, 36849, Tel