3.5 Tough Guy & Gal Challenge: The Iconic Kiwi Sporting Event
The Weekend Warriors An alternative to the traditional races and events?
Racing Types Contemporary endurance races fall into (or more commonly, cross-over) three broad categories: Adventure Racing Obstacle Racing Mud Running
Racing Types Adventure Racing The terms “obstacle racing” and “adventure racing” are often used interchangeably, but in reality, the disciplines are very different. The main similarities between the two are that both involve challenges (presented as obstacles) and both involve a running component. Adventure racing differs from obstacle racing in that the disciplines of swimming, mountain biking, orienteering, climbing, kayaking, etc. along with the hardships of sleep deprivation, limited nutrition, and team dynamics add to the difficulty of the event.
Racing Types Obstacle Racing The key difference between an obstacle race and an obstacle course event is that the first is presented as a competitive race, the latter is not. In an obstacle race, competitors are timed and held to a strict standard of performance; when a task cannot be completed, penalty exercises such as burpees are assigned. Unlike obstacle racers, obstacle course participants are free to skip certain challenges as they please. Obstacle course events are often not timed (or allow participants to self-time)
Racing Types Mud Run Mud runs are often confused with obstacle races. Mud runs may or may not contain obstacles, because the events tend to focus more on fitness and muddiness. These events also tend to be less competitive. Obstacle and adventure racers often use mud run courses as training grounds because the conditions and terrain found at these events are similar.
The Future?
Adventure Aotearoa? How many of these events are going on in NZ? Research endurance events in NZ You may consider: Race Types (popularity?) Location Season(s) Numbers (popularity?) Cost variations Publicity/news +ve / -ve International publicity affecting NZ? National psyche? Problems encountered with researching these sports?