1 Math CAMPPP 2011 Breakout #1 Proportional Reasoning
Welcome to the Fishing Shack!
Minds-On 33 Four Corners Giving students verbal feedback is most like: a piece of cake, fireworks, roller coaster, or deep water diving.
Action: Triads The Power of Observation 4 In groups of three: one person will solve the problem presented one person will provide verbal feedback one person will act as observer of the process If time allows, rotate roles within your triad.
Problem 1: Representing ½ 5 Show ½ as many ways as you can using a variety of manipulatives. Record your thinking on the blank paper provided.
Problem 2: Representing fractions of a whole or set 6 Using the different manipulatives or classroom materials, create as many models as you can for one of these fractions: ¼, 2/3, or 3/5. Record your examples.
Consolidation In your journal, record the scaffolding questions you used or liked. How did the scaffolding questions help the person working on the problem? What did you typically think scaffolding questions would sound like? Has your thinking changed?
Exit Card “Give a person (man) a fish, he eats for a day. Teach a person (man) to fish, and he feeds her/himself.” List three key learnings about observing and responding to students. Share. Select one reflection from your table group, record onto a fish note and post under the quote. Attach your fishing mesh onto your hat.