NMI-EDIT AND Small College Security & ID Management Issues Discussion John Bruggeman, Director of Information Systems, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion Tom Barton, Senior Director for Integration, University of Chicago Ed Barboni, Senior Advisor, Council of Independent Colleges
NMI-EDIT AND Security Task Force Established in July 2000 by EDUCAUSE and Internet2 Coordination with Higher Education IT Alliance ACE, AAU, NASULGC, AASCU, NAICU, AACC, etc. Strategic Goals: Education and Awareness Standards, Policies, and Procedures Security Architecture and Tools Organization and Information Sharing Working Groups: Annual Security Professionals Conference Awareness and Training Effective Practices Policy and Legal Issues Risk Management Advanced Networks and Emerging Technologies (SALSa)
NMI-EDIT AND NMI-EDIT Consortium Internet2, EDUCAUSE, SURA Funded in 2001 by National Science Foundation’s Middleware Initiative Identity and Access Management for Intra- and Inter-institutional Collaboration Identifiers, directories, authentication, authorization, and related policies Published 6 releases of software, tools, and practices Higher-ed, government, corporate, and international involvement
NMI-EDIT AND Discussion Questions What are the challenges? What are the strategies and solutions? How can the Security Task Force and NMI-EDIT help?
NMI-EDIT AND Where to Find More Information Computer and Network Security Task Force - News, Events, Effective Practices Guide, and Other Resources security.internet2.edu – Working Group Meeting Minutes and Documents for Advanced Networks security.internet2.edu NMI-EDIT and Identity Management - Practices, Tools, Roadmaps for IdM Implementation - CAMP Workshops - Internet2 Middleware Initiative