My Million Dollar Project By: Skylar Sakis
For my Million Dollar Project I am spending my money by planning a two week trip on a yacht in Hawaii with 20 people. I thought that I could reach $1,000,000 by having 20 people go on this trip. At first I made an idea sheet of everything I might need for the trip. Then I researched the prices for each category and added the prices together. Each of the bigger categories became a major category. I knew that I would have to have lodging. I included the yacht and food in this major category. The total cost of the super yacht was $780,000, the total cost of the food was $16,800, so the major total for lodging was $796,800. Another category in my project was transportation. This category included plane tickets, limos, taxis, and boats. The total cost for transportation is $12,015. Clothing is another major category. I included swim suits, pant, shirts, socks, underwear, tennis shoes, flip flops, sunglasses, and hats. The total cost for clothing is $63,885. My final major category is activities. We will be parasailing, taking surfing lessons, snorkeling, canoeing, deep sea fishing, scuba diving, helicopter tours, and shopping. All of these activities will add up to $127,300. If you add all of these categories together, it equals $1,000,
How I spent a million dollars…
Balance1,000,000 Lodging796,80080% Transportation12,0151% Clothing63,8856% Activities127,30013% Total0
Concluding Paragraph For my Million Dollar Project I planned a two week trip on a yacht in Hawaii with twenty people. This project helped me learn how to budget my money, and how to research how much things cost. It also gave me a good understanding of how much things cost in general. This project also showed me how much planning it takes to go on a trip. In all I learned how to manage money, how much it costs to do the things that I enjoy doing when I go on vacation, and the effort it takes to plan a trip.
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