Hanna Hetrick
Classification Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Chordata Class - Actinopterygii
Size Weigh up to 90 kilograms (200 pounds) Usually 3 meters (9.8 feet) in length Can grow up to 11 feet
Habitat Warm and temperate water in the oceans Stay along the surface only occasionally diving lower into the water
Distribution Found in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans Found approximately 40 degrees North and 40 degrees South in the Pacific and 50 degrees North and 32 degrees South In the EASTERN Atlantic Ocean
Evolution Evolved about 230 million years ago and continue, along with the rest of ray-fined fish, to dominant the ocean
Feeding Habits Glide along the surface or mid-depth eating schools of fish such as anchovies and sardines Herd the schools of fish with their sails aiding them to keep them close, making easy prey Occasionally eating octopus and squid
Breeding Habits Spawning season is thought to be in the warmer summer months and taken place in shallower waters The female will release up to a million eggs and the male will fertilize them although only 6 to 10 will make it to adulthood. The eggs hatch in about 36 hours.
Number of Species Two species of sailfish Atlantic sailfish Indo-Pacific sailfish Many related species such as Makaira and Tetrapturus (9 species in total)
Statistics Can swim up to 68 miles per hour Can grow up to 1.2 to 1.5 meters in a single year
Human Use Humans mainly use the fish for personal use such as trophy fishing Some eat the fish but since the meat is so tough, it is usually smoked
Interesting Facts Sailfish only live to be about 4 years old The “sail” on a sailfish is usually folded down, but rises whenever it is excited or threatened
Quiz 1. How large can a sailfish grow to be? 2. Where is a sailfish located? 3.What do sailfishes primarily feed on? 4. How many species of sailfish are there? 5. What are some of the purposes of their “sail”?
Answers to 11 feet 2. Atlantic or Indo-Pacific (warm or temperate waters) 3. Anchovies and Sardines 4. Two 5. Two ward of predators, show excitement, to help herd fish to feed