Parameters and Data Driving Parameters and Data Driving USINGQTP65-STUDENT-01A
Lesson Objectives In this lesson, you will: Create an output value Parameterize input values Create a data-driven test Review useful Data Table functions
QuickTest Professional Workflow Gather relevant test information What are the test requirements? Where can I get data to use? Create basic test Record user actions Verify successful playback Enhance basic test Insert checkpoints Data drive the test Integrate tests Correlate data Build Integration Test Scenarios Plan 1 Create 2 Verify & Enhance 3 Integrate 4
Parameterization Applies to Input and Output Data Material: Value 1 Value 2 Value 3 :..and so on QuickTest Test Use different material values for each time the transaction is run. Purch Req Number: Retrieve each purchase requisition number. Use parameters in QuickTest instead of manually testing multiple values and manually retrieving system values
Parameterization Makes Use of the Data Table Input and output values are stored in the Data Table
Types of Data Table Design Time Data Table Run Time Data Table Under the Design Time Data Tables are two spreadsheets where you place or retrieve parameter data values: - Global Sheet - Local Sheet (Action1) The Run-Time Data Table can be viewed in the test results after a test run. You will also find the Global and Local data sheets under the run-time data table.
Use an Output Parameter to Capture Data If you forget to add the output during recording, it can be inserted afterwards using the ActiveScreen window. Which output method will I use, standard, text or text area? Retrieve this string of text from the application
What is a Data-Driven Test? Create a new test for each set of data? Create one data-driven test that uses a data source
The Data Table Has Spreadsheet Capabilities Use spreadsheet functions, if needed, to create parameter values Discussed in detail next chapter Use spreadsheet functions, if needed, to create parameter values Discussed in detail next chapter
Configuring Run Settings Global Data Sheet Run settings apply to all actions if data is placed in the Global Data Sheet Local Data Sheet Run settings apply only to the action referred to by the Local Data Sheet This setting may be used more in conjunction with multiple actions and test integration.