Application Programming in Cloud via Swift Swift Tutorial, CCGrid 2013, Hour 2 Ketan Maheshwari.


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Presentation transcript:

Application Programming in Cloud via Swift Swift Tutorial, CCGrid 2013, Hour 2 Ketan Maheshwari

Overview  Part I –Cloud model of computation –Amazon ec2 setup –Tests accessing ec2 VM nodes  Part II –Swift setup –Swift test drive  Part III –Running a mock app using Swift on Cloud –Exercise

Cloud Model of Computation  Compute resources drawn as VMs from a pool of hardware resources  One time configuration  Economical: Computation power “outsourced”  More control: “root” access to VMs gives more setup options

Amazon EC2 setup  For this tutorial, we encourage using Amazon EC2 cloud computing environment  Any other cloud could be used if EC2 not available  Create VMs

Swift  Application programming language –aka parallel scripting –aka workflow framework  Suited to a variety of applications  Interfaced to –Clouds –Grids –Clusters –Supercomputers

What we need: Cloud side  A number of VM instances  Onetime Setup –firewalls –installation  Sanity test  IP of instances

What we need: Application Side  App executable installed on cloud instances –Making a single cloud image and drawing instances from it is convenient  Data  workflow

What we need: Swift side  Swift installed on submit host  Make sure perl is installed on cloud instances

Steps  Encode workflow in Swift