LOGO SOCIÉTÉ Access to Water and Sanitation Services for All Responsibility & Organization of a (Private) Operator Alain Mathys
2 Improving Access to Water Services: a Critical Issue in Developing Countries Improving access to water and sanitation services has a high international visibility – Millennium Development Goal no. 7 Notions of Public Service and Right to Water: Poor people of slums and peri urban areas cannot be kept outside official distribution and collection networks Unconnected people: illegal connections, increased NRW, perturbation of the network operations Contractual obligation to increase coverage and serve the poor Moral obligation: CSR and scrutiny of NGOs Serving the poor is a key element of social and contractual stability Need to develop and apply a specific expertise Water for All Program
3 Contractual Barriers (1) Land tenure: the contract prohibits service expansion in illegal settlements Casablanca Buenos Aires Manila High cost of connections Buenos Aires: US$ 600/service (beginning of the contract) La Paz-El Alto: water $200, sewerage $ 245 (current) Casablanca: US$ 500/service
4 Contractual Barriers (2) Contractual meaning of expansion targets and inefficient regulation Lack of, or poor management of water resources Investment priorities of authorities outside slums and illegal settlements
> SUEZ ENVIRONNEMENT – DELEGATED MANAGEMENT IN CASABLANCA in urban areas in rural areas Casablanca, Morocco:National Initiative for Human Development Water & sewerage households connections to be realized by 2010: 145,000 Current housing types: Slums Illegal settlement Investments needed : US$ 140 M
Types of Illegal Settlements Urban Rural
7 National Initiative for Human Development Before 2005: prohibition to provide services to illegal areas Royal speech of May 18, 2005: Clear political leadership Major change in public policies related to informal settlements Aimed to fight poverty with multiple components: access to services, housing, healthcare, education, employment... 2 majors issues: urban development and access to basic services Preferred intervention modality: maintaining households on their current location
8 Partnership between IDMAJ SAKAN and LYDEC IDMAJ SAKAN Autonomous public entity chaired by the Greater Casablanca Governor (Wali) Dedicated to urban upgrading in the framework of the NIHD LYDEC Concession for the management of 4 services - 30 years, starting on August 1st services: Drinking water Electricity Wastewater and storm water drainage Street lightning Delegating authorities: Municipalities of Casablanca, Mohammedia, Aïn Harrouda plus 14 rural communities Partnership IDMAJ SAKAN / LYDEC: Implementation of universal access to water, sewerage and electricity services
9 Value added of the Partnership Understand the issues and put the problems on the table (progressive land tenure and ownership regularization, recognition of the population in illegal settlements, financing needs, etc.) Clarify the role of all parties and allocate clear responsibilities on how to solve these problems Strengthen the partnership between the parties, for and beyond the pilots, based on shared development objectives Adapt LYDEC’s organization to meet NIHD objective (70 staff dedicated to the project) Provide financial support (GPOBA) to cover investment deficit
Project Implementation (Pilot Phase)
11 Lessons Organizing stakeholders takes time Need for grants to subsidize water and wastewater infrastructure in poor areas Not just money but efficient management Importance of the relationship management Importance of a national champion
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