Professor Feinberg---CSR 309 Morgan Mcdonald Professor Feinberg---CSR 309
Who is Captain D. Michael Abrashoff? Commander of USS Benfold, “The best damn ship in the Navy.” Responsible for turning the sullen Benfold crew into a functional, confident team. Author of “It’s Your Ship”
It’s Your Ship A practical guide for every leader What do all leaders have in common? The challenge of getting the most out of their team Leadership is earned, not designed
Take command Motivate team to work with passion, energy, and enthusiasm See the job through the eyes of the team Turn to team to give insights on how to perform actions the most efficiently Show a positive and eager attitude, even if you have no idea what is going on Give responsibility to teach how you expect things to be done
Lead by Example Real leadership is shown through example Your team is trained through every decision the leader makes and every action they take Leaders set the tone for everything around them Always offer a better way to complete a task, if you don’t agree with an order from your supervisor
Listen Aggressively Listening involves giving people the respect they deserve Establish a personal relationship with each team member Confidence is Infectious Tell your team they are the best and the finest—they will start to believe it
communicate PURPOSE AND MEANING Find a common goal that inspires all Develop a compelling reason for why your team should always be enthusiastic An excellent, innovative idea goes unnoticed if it isn’t communicated effectively PURPOSE AND MEANING
Create a climate of T-R-U-S-T Trust is something you must earn, and you earn trust by giving it to others Don’t give up on your team members, even if they have let you down in the past If a problem arises, followers want to hear directly from the top that everything is OK People take more risks when they feel trusted --risk taking leads to some great benefits
“Every leader needs big ears and zero tolerance for stereotypes” Look for Results Encourage your team members to use their own creativity Make them feel comfortable enough to speak up with their ideas Promote a freedom of speech concept within your workplace Challenge your crew beyond their reach
…praise and promote risk takers CALCULATED Risks Take a chance on someone you believe in… …praise and promote risk takers
Go beyond the Standard Procedure Innovation and progress are achieved when you venture beyond standard procedures Look at the successes and mistakes of others to learn from Preparation is a direct reflection of the leader Don’t let bad trends get out of hand Have your team train in all areas of the operation—this provides for a better understanding of the organization
Strengthening others and helping them feel respected helps to improve work Positive, personal reinforcement is the core of effective leadership Delegate responsibilities to ones who are ready and willing Make sure newcomers feel welcomed into your organization Cross training is important for success Build up your people
Encourage your team to express themselves on a personal and professional level… …this will help to achieve a new level of success.
Generate Unity Unity involves maximizing the uniqueness of the group to work towards the established common goals Get your team to work for the good of everyone Treat everyone with dignity and respect
Improve your people’s quality of life By building up people’s morale, their work improves Leaders should inspire the people working with them, so that everyone is proud of their place of work Things actually do get accomplished when you free your workers to have a life on work time
Life after Benfold Captain D. Michael Abrashoff The most rewarding job Captain Abrashoff has ever completed Job completed with total satisfaction—the Captain’s personal achievement comes from helping others surpass what they thought to be their own potential Captain D. Michael Abrashoff
Leader’s first principle: OPTIMISM Rules. And the Corollary… Opportunities NEVER Cease