April 14, 2015 Second Public Hearing 1
Workshop proposed ULDC changes: 1/27/15 Request to Advertise: 1/27/15 First Public Hearing: 2/24/15 Second Public Hearing: 3/10/15 Continued Hearing: 4/14/15 2
Mobile Food Trucks ◦ Amend language to allow in mixed-use Future Land Use designation on vacant property Floor Area Ratio and Gross Floor Area ◦ Revised definitions for clarity 3
Added language to Mobile Food Sales to allow: ◦ in Mixed Use Future Land Use designation ◦ On vacant property 100 foot setback from residential property 1,500 square feet of area for parking (to accommodate 5 cars) 4
The square foot amount of total gross floor area (all stories) for each square foot of divided by the land area of the site of the proposed development. For purposes of this definition, total floor area shall be all of that area encompassed within the outside edges of all exterior walls of all buildings and each level thereof on the site. Open porches, balconies and carports are specifically excluded from the calculation of total floor area. 5
Gross Floor Area The sum of the area of all floors of a building, measured from the exterior faces of all exterior walls or from the centerline of walls separating two buildings. Open porches, balconies, and carports are specifically excluded from the calculation. 6
1. Convene as the Land Development Regulation Commission and find the proposed amendments consistent with the Alachua County Comprehensive Plan as provided in the staff report. 2. Adopt the ordinance amending the Unified Land Development Code. 7