MSC.SuperForm in Short Overview
Simulation Of Bulk Forming Manufacturing Processes Forging Extrusion Axial Rolling Ring Rolling Cogging Bending Cutting
Why Simulation Reduce Time to Market Reduce Cost of Tool Development Predict Influence of Process Parameters Reduce Productions Cost Improve Product Quality Better Understanding of Material Behavior Reduce Material Waste
Manufacturing Results Accurately predict the material flow Determine degree of filling of the swage or die Accurate assessment of net shape Predict if laps or other defects exist Determine the stresses, temperatures, and residual stresses in the work piece. Determine optimal shape of preform
Material Behavior Determine material properties such as grain size Determine local hardness Predict material damage Predict phase changes and composition Simulate the influence of material selection
Tool Results Determine the forming loads Determine the stresses in the tools Evaluate tool wear or fatigue Simulate the influence of lubrication Optimize multi-tool process
Simulation allows you to capture behavior that can not be readily measured – providing deeper insight into your manufacturing processes
WIZARDS for Ease of Use
Intuitive GUI
Intuitive GUI The press-data can be saved by pressing the button SAVE MACHINE
Powerful CAD Interfaces IGES AutoCad - DXF VDA-FS STL ACIS SDRC
Flexible Process Control Multi-Stage Kinematic Presses Crack press Eccentric Press General Press Hydraulic Presses Hammer Presses Rolling Spring Applied Tools Axially Segmented Tools
Flexible Process Control Axito3d Prestate Spin Forming Anneal Sequence Option Trimming Piercing and Cutting Structural Analysis directly based upon the manufactured state
Kinematics Placing the workpiece Closing the tools Forming process Removal of the tools Extraction of the workpiece Including spring-back Subsequent cool-down
Flexible Tool Definition Rigid Tools Deformable Direct CAD NURB Description
Material Data Material Data via Supplied Data Base Data Base may be Customized Material dependent upon True strain Temperature Strain Rate
Material Models Elastic Plastic Rigid Plastic Material Database Isotropic hardening Cowper-Symonds Power Laws Johnson-Cook Kumar Grain Size Prediction Phase Changes
Effects of Elasticity Elasticity of Tools Prestressed Dies Residual Stresses Behavior of part during ejection or removal Determination of tolerances
Damage Models Principal Stress Cockroft-Latham Lemaitre
Lubrication Model Shear Based Coulomb User
Visualization Tracking of Material Particles Flow Line Images Time History of Tool Forces Deformation of Workpiece Contour Plots of all Quantities
Some Examples: 2-D Lap Formation
Connecting Rod
Orbital Forming
Ring Rolling
Proven Finite Element Technology Isothermal Coupled Analyses Elastic Plastic Rigid Plastic Behavior Planar Axisymmetric Three Dimensional
Element Technology Quadrilateral Triangular Hexahedral Tetrahedral
Contact Fully Automated Easy to Define Workpiece and Tools Rigid or Deformable Tools Multiple Friction Models Heat Generated due to Friction
Remeshing Technology Fully Automated Improves Accuracy Reduces Costs Based on Material Deformation Based on Die Geometries
Remeshing Technology Advancing Front ( Quadrilateral and Triangular) Overlay ( Quadrilateral and Hexahedral) Delaunay ( Triangular and Tetrahedral)
Solutions for Your Enterprise Easy to Learn Programming User Interface Procedure Language Individual Customization of GUI Available on NT , Unix, Linux Computationally Efficient Enterprise Specific Solutions World Wide Support