Transformation of Energy
Definition Transformation of Energy: The changing of one type of energy into another type of energy
Heat Production Friction changes one type of energy into another WRITE DOWN ONE EXAMPLE: Example 1: As a glacier flows, some of its energy of motion is turned into heat at the boundary between the ice and the valley walls Example 2: Wind blowing over the ocean, creating waves and surface currents. Heat is produced at the boundary between the atmosphere and hydrosphere
Transformations of Mechanical Energy Potential + Kinetic = Mechanical Kinetic energy: Energy of motion
Potential energy: Energy related to the position or phase Potential energy: Energy related to the position or phase. “Stored” energy The higher an object is above the center of the Earth, the greater its potential to fall, the greater the potential energy
Potential <->Kinetic Water at the top of a waterfall has potential energy because of its position relative to Earth’s center. As the water falls, some of the potential energy turns into kinetic energy
Electromagnetic Energy Electromagnetic energy can be absorbed by an object and reradiated as a longer wavelength This occurs because energy moves from high to low The higher the energy, the higher the temperature and the shorter the wavelengths
Energy from the sun is absorbed as ultraviolet and visible radiation and re-radiated as infrared (longer) wavelengths The Earth is much lower in temp than the sun, so the Earth emits longer wavelengths than the sun
Temperature and Heat Temperature is directly related to the amount of heat (thermal energy) in the object or region
Specific Heat The amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of 1 gram of a substance 1 degree C. Determines how easily/difficultly a material heats up or cools down The bigger the number, the more energy it takes to heat up/cool down, the longer it takes to do so
Ex. Water (high specific heat) heats up/cools down slower than Iron (lower specific heat)- ESRT PAGE 1