12 Habit and Neighborhood Module (L23-L24) Habit and Neighborhood Quiz 1 Review Chinese IAB (IA +IB)
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Please click on page 6 to find Module Guide in the right panel under Handouts in the module. Please save and download to print out for off line learning. Module Guide is your digital text book. At the same time, you can copy and paste to save some important notes for off line learning too. For example on page 2 and 3, there are many characters with pinyin and English translation. You will need to install Chinese simplified (PRC) in your keyboard. Please learn on page 4 of How to install Chinese pinyin in Welcome to Chinese folder in the content area. Where is e-Textbook?
Please put the words below into correct order. Need to type Chinese characters in answer area. 口音 像 而且 去过 以前 日本 日本人 你的 我 ____________________________ , _____________________ 。 => 你的口音像日本人,而且我以前去过日本。 (ni de kou yin xiang ri ben ren, er qie yi qian qu guo ri ben) Review Q 1
Please fill in the blanks. Need to type Chinese characters in the answer area. 北京人非常 ______(warm-hearted) 。北京菜也很 ____(delicious) Use any of the following characters: 繁华;热情;景色;美;城市;好吃 = 》北京人非常热情。北京菜也很好吃。 (beijing ren fei chang re qing, beijing cai ye hen hao chi) Review Q 2
Please fill in the blanks. 北京 (Beijing, the Capital of China) 的 ______(scenery) 很 ______(beautiful) , _______(city) 也很 _______(prosperous) 。 Use any of the following characters: 繁华 prosperous ;热情 passion ;景色 scenery ;美 beautiful ; 城市 city ;好吃 good to eat => 北京的景色很美,城市也很繁华. Review Q 3
Please translate the following sentence in English, you may find some words that you learned previously in this sentence. 我听说很多人都不喜欢那个饭馆儿。虽然它的菜好吃,卫生间和 环境也很干净,但是菜有点儿贵。那个饭馆儿附近的快餐不错, 很方便,而且汉堡和三明治都很好吃。 => ANSWER: I heard many people do not like that restaurant. Although its food is tasty, and the restroom and environment are clean, (but) the price of the food is a little bit expensive. The fast food near that restaurant is not bad, and it is very convenient. Their hamburger and sandwich are both very tasty. Review Q 4
Please match the following questions with the answers. Need to type Chinese character in answer rea. 真是谢谢您! = 》不用谢。你太客气了。 ( bu yong xie, ni tai ke qi le) Review Q 5
Please match the following questions with the answers. Need to type Chinese characters in answer key area. 你喜欢吃什么口味的菜? => 我喜欢吃酸甜口味的菜。 (wo xi huan chi suan kou wei de cai) Review Q 6
Please match the following questions with the answers. Need to type Chinese character in answer rea. 你来美国后习惯吗? => 习惯。我喜欢美国人,他们真诚。 (xi guan, w o mei xian huan me ren, ta men zheng chat Review Q 7
Please match the word with the correct national flag. 美国 韩国 印度 日本 中国 Review Q 8-12