Inner plants The best facts about inner plants. By Liam Hammet/Richelle Copland/ Ben b Height.
Mercury facts Mercury is the closet to the sun. It is 58 million km ( 36 million miles). Mercury is the eighth largest planet. The color of Mercury is usually silver. Mercury has no known moons. The size of mercury is 3,000 miles(60 million km). Mercury is named after a roman god of war. Mercury’s gravity is 38 lbs.
Venus Venus is the second planet from the sun. Venus distance from the sun is 67 million miles away (108 billion miles away). Venus is the second largest planet in the inner planets. Venus is very hot and dry and it has gentle rolling plains. Its color is creamish brown. It has zero known moon moons. The size of Venus is 7 thousand 5 hundred and 20 miles (12,750 km).
Earth Earth is the 3 rd planet from the sun. earth is the biggest inner planet the distance from the sun is 7,900 miles (12,800) from it the sun. Earth has a sister and a brother venus and mars. Earth and mars both have north and south poles. Earth is the only planet with life on it. Earths is color green and blue. Earth has 1 moon.
Mars facts Mars is called the red planet because it is fiery red. Mars is the fourth planet from the sun and the last inner planet. Mars distance from the sun is 90 million miles (150 million km). Mars diameter is 7,500 miles (12,100 km).
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