Intermediate Excel 2013 Gareth Johns IT Skills Development Advisor
Course Aim(s) 2 Explore functions and features that can be used to enhance the way you organise, analyse and present your data.
Objectives By the end of this session you should be able to: Use the filter tool to only display data that meets specified conditions. Apply appropriate absolute cell references to rows and columns to ensure calculations return the intended result. Use Excel tables to efficiently format, sort, filter and apply formulae and functions to table data. Use conditional functions such as IF and SUMIF to calculate values that are dependent on the value of other cells. 3
Filtering Data Simple ‘tick box’ filters or Comparison operators. E.g.: Text filters: Equals, begins, contains. Number filters: Equals, less than, between. Top 10, above average. Date filters: Before, this month, next qtr 4
Relative vs Absolute Cell References 5 A relative cell reference automatically changes when you copy the formula from one cell to another. An absolute cell reference is fixed and will not change when you copy the formula. Use a $ sign in front of the row and column name to specify an absolute reference. E.g. $D$12
Absolute Cell References 6
Absolute Row & Column References 7 Columns can be absolutely referenced so that the row changes, but the column does not. $A1 Rows can be absolutely referenced so that the column changes, but the row does not. A$1
Excel Tables 8 “a range of cells…[that] typically contains related data in a series of worksheet rows and columns that have been formatted as a table”. Excel Help
Table Features Filter and sort built-in. Expand automatically to include new rows/columns. Formulae and functions auto-fill (calculated column). Total row – quickly sum columns (other functions also available). Structured cell references - formulae easier to read and write. 9
SUM Adds all numbers in a range of cells =SUM(A1:A9) AVERAGE Returns the arithmetic mean of a range of cells. =AVERAGE(A1:A9) COUNT Counts the number of cells that contain numbers. =COUNT(A1:A9) Function Revision 10
Let’s get conditional 11 IF Check a condition; return a value if true and another if false. =IF(A1>40,”PASS”, ”FAIL”) COUNTIF Counts the number of cells that meet a criteria =COUNTIF(A1:A9, “>40”) SUMIF Adds cells that meet a criteria. =SUMIF(B2:B20, ”=Yes”,C2:C20) VLOOKUP Looks for a value in the first column of data and returns a value from a different (specified) column. =VLOOKUP(“Post age”,Table1,3, TRUE)
SUM Adds all numbers in a range of cells =SUM(A1:A9) AVERAGE Returns the arithmetic mean of a range of cells. =AVERAGE(A1:A9) COUNT Counts the number of cells that contain numbers. =COUNT(A1:A9) Function Revision 12
Let’s get conditional 13 IF Check a condition; return a value if true and another if false. =IF(A1>40,”PASS”, ”FAIL”) COUNTIF Counts the number of cells that meet a criteria =COUNTIF(A1:A9, “>40”) SUMIF Adds cells that meet a criteria. =SUMIF(B2:B20, ”=Yes”,C2:C20) VLOOKUP Looks for a value in the first column of data and returns a value from a different (specified) column. =VLOOKUP(“Post age”,Table1,3, TRUE)
IF =IF (Test, Value_if_True, Value_if_False) [Logical] Test: An expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. E.g. A1>40B2=100A1 C2 Value_if_True: The value of the cell if the test is TRUE. E.g. “PASS” Value_if_False: The value of the cell if the test is FALSE. E.g. “FAIL” 14
COUNTIF =COUNTIF(Range, Criteria) Range: the range of cells from which you want to count cells. E.g. A1:A10 Criteria: a number or expression (in quotes) that defines which cells will be counted. E.g.: 40“>40” “Pass” 15
SUMIF =SUMIF(Range, Criteria, Range to be Summed) Range: the range of cells to be tested. Criteria: a number or expression (in quotes) that defines which cells will be summed. E.g.: 40“>40”“Pass” Range to be Summed: the range of cells to be added. 16
VLOOKUP =VLOOKUP(Value, Array, Column, Exact/Approx) Value: The value to be found. Array: the table array within which to search. Column: the column from which the result will be returned. Exact/Approx: (AKA Range_lookup). If set to TRUE: closest match returned. FALSE = exact match. 17
Recap You should now be able to: Use the filter tool to only display data that meets specified conditions. Apply appropriate absolute cell references to rows and columns to ensure calculations return the intended result. Use Excel tables to efficiently format, sort, filter and apply formulae and functions to table data. Use conditional functions such as IF and SUMIF to calculate values that are dependent on the value of other cells. 18