NAMI Russian State Research Center The Russian Federation Vehicle interior air quality assessment (VIAQ). The Russian Federation practice
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Drivers and passengers of all modern vehicles, including electric ones, are not secured from negative effect of excessively contaminated interior air. General information According to publications in the USA, Germany, Japan, South Korea, France, the United Kingdom and the Russian Federation, excessive air contamination in modern vehicles interiors causes untimely death, feeling unwell, headache, confusing of consciousness etc., which also result in increase of vehicle accidents number. Hazardous substances (HS) in the interior air are particularly dangerous for children, senior people, pregnant women, disabled, asthmatics, people suffering from bronchopulmonary and cardiovascular diseases. Even low HS concentrations in the interior air have a cumulative toxic effect that has an impact on passengers’ and driver’s health for the rest of their lives.
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ The Russian Federation data The main sources and causes of the vehicle interior air contamination are: 1. Afflux of contaminated outside air into the vehicle interior 2. Afflux of lightly mixed exhaust gasses, as well as tires and roadway wear debris from vehicles moving next to and behind the vehicle into the vehicle interior 3. Afflux of ozone and hydrocarbons degradation products from interior air cleaners and ionizers into the air 4. Low air cleaning efficiency of interior filters 5. Interior non-tightness 6. Afflux of emission products from interior materials into the air 7. Afflux of combustion products into the air in case of fire in vehicles
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ The problem most important characteristics Areas and conditions of excessive outside air contamination : The outside air is dangerous when there is smog in cities and in case of human- made disasters The air contamination above the drive ways is several times higher than the background air contamination controlled by monitoring systems The air above the drive ways is particularly contaminated in traffic jams, in tunnels and in parking lots.
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ The problem most important characteristics Modern interior filters containing paper and carbon filtering materials have the following disadvantages: Such interior filters do not clean the air of nitrogen oxides and carbon oxide. This is their critical disadvantage. Such interior filters are also low-efficient against particulates and hydrocarbons. Due to absence of standards for the air cleaning fineness paper filtering materials separate only coarse particulates with a diameter of more than 2-5 micron which are less toxic than fine suspended particulates. Amount of carbon applied for modern interior filters generally does not exceed grams which is sufficient to clean the air of hydrocarbons and reduce the odor inside the interiors if the number of operational kilometers does not exceed 1 – 2 thousand km. Low air cleaning efficiency of ventilation and air conditioning systems interior filters
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Conclusions The problem of lowering the interior air contamination in modern vehicles is relevant. The main sources and causes of vehicle interior air contamination are: afflux of lightly mixed exhaust gasses, as well as tires and roadway wear debris within the outside air from vehicles moving next to and behind the vehicle into the vehicle interior; afflux of ozone and hydrocarbons degradation products from interior air cleaners and ionizers; afflux of emission products from interior materials; low air cleaning efficiency of ventilation and air conditioning systems interior filters; interior non-tightness. The main interior air contaminants are ozone (О 3 ), nitrogen dioxide (NО 2 ), fine particulates (PM 2,5 ), formaldehyde (СН 2 О), coarse particulates (PM 10 ), volatile organic components (VOC), polycyclic aromatic compounds (PAC), including benzapyrene (BP), aldehydes, carbon oxide(СО). There is barely any work being carried out for addressing the main causes of interior air contamination, except for limitation of VOC and aldehydes emissions from interior materials.
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ The Russian Federation practice The Russian Federation has developed an international standard of Eurasian Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (EASC) "Motor vehicles. DEVICES FOR AIR CLEANING IN THE VEHICLE INTERIOR, THE DRIVER’S CABIN, THE PASSENGER ROOM AND FILTERS FOR THEM. Technical requirements and test methods", which is under adoption. The preliminary adoption term is There is a list of standardized hazardous substances, norms of their content limit for the vehicle interior air and test methods. The standard covers interior filters of air conditioning (climate control) and ventilation systems, as well as systems for vehicle interior air cleaning of hazardous substances. The standard declares requirements for the efficiency of interior air cleaning filters, air cleaning systems and their service life.
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