Building Relationships: The Role of Coaching In Kentucky's Striving Readers Project Kentucky Teaching and Learning Conference March 8, 2007
About Striving Readers… A federally funded Reading Research Grant million dollars (5 year grant—March 2006-March 2011) Includes: -- Professional Development School-wide Content Literacy Model Kansas Learning Strategies Intervention Model –Summer Institutes : School-wide Training (5 days, then 2 days in following years) and Literacy Coach Training (5 days, 4 days, then 2 days) which includes Intervention training –School-based coaching (with on-site literacy coach during regular school hours) –Full-time Literacy Coaches at each school provide intervention classes for targeted students reading 2 years or more behind and coaching strategies for school-wide Content Literacy Model –On-going certification for Literacy Leadership –On-going Evaluation
About Striving Readers… Focused on identifying effective: –School-wide literacy approaches 6-12 th grades –Targeted interventions for struggling readers (Grades 6 and 9) Partners Include : -- 7 School Districts participating in the study include: Eminence, Danville, Washington, Bullitt, Pike, Rowan and Jessamine counties -- Collaborative for Teaching and Learning (CTL)— Professional Development for the School-wide Content Literacy Model and Literacy Coach training/support Amy Awbrey—CTL Project Manager --University of Louisville—Intervention Training and Literacy Coach Certification (36 hours) Brenda Overturf—U of L Striving Readers School Literacy Coach Certification Tricia Bronger, Special Education Instructor, U of L --Collaborative Center for Literacy Development— Evaluator of the Striving Readers’ Project Margaret Rintamaa—CCLD Evaluation Project Manager
Participation… 21 rural Kentucky schools (pairing middle and high schools) --Approx. 10,200 students reading levels tracked by pre\post GRADE in the study --Approx. 13,573 students participating in the School-wide Content Literacy Model provided by regular education teachers --Win Smith, Principal, Danville High School Gathering ongoing data about implementation and progress Informing the national education field about effective practices Supported by Kentucky Department of Education Cindy Parker, KDE contact
Content Literacy Sub- Domains The Collaborative Model for Content Literacy prepares teachers to use strategies from these sub-domains to support student content learning –Reading Comprehension –Vocabulary Development –Writing to Learn –Writing to Use What We Know –Verbal Fluency –Academic Dialogue
Teachers in Training
Training Artifacts
Word Wall- Math
Word Wall- Art
Word Wall- Geography