Joint Advisory Committee for the Improvement of Air Quality in the Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua / El Paso, Texas / Doña Ana County, New Mexico Air Basin AKA: JAC, PdNJAC Paso del Norte Air Basin (PdN)
Paso del Norte The pass of the North
Regional Characteristics/Dynamics Political & Cultural Multiple jurisdictions Multiple cultures Physical High mountain desert Dust Inversions Growth Industrial Population Traffic/congestion Economic Low average income Poor municipal budgets Micro business/industry
Problems Ozone PM10 CO Haze & Visibility
April 6, :30am 12:00 2:30pm6:00pm
Background La Paz Agreement – 1983 Air Work Group – 1989 (Annex V of the La Paz Agreement) Paso del Norte Air Quality Task Force – 1993 Promoted establishment of an International Air Quality Management District Joint Advisory Committee... – 1996 Appendix 1 to Annex V
Summary 20 members representing both US and Mexican Federal, State, & Local governments Industry, academia, private citizens, and NGO’s Co-chairs SEMARNAT EPA Meets quarterly Open to public
Mission Develop, promote, and recommend air quality planning & management strategies to ensure a reduction in air pollution concentrations for the public health and welfare of residents of the Paso del Norte air basin, recognizing the importance of local communities in carrying out this mission.
Objectives Realize basin-wide emission reductions Support implementation of SIP programs in Texas and New Mexico Assist in development and implementation of the Cd. Juarez Air Quality Program: Pro-Aire Recommend measures to deal with other issues
Actions The JAC developed a Strategic Plan to address current and future air quality challenges of this international airshed. The JAC is involved in many activities ranging from initiating research to coordinating governmental programs to reduce emissions and improve the overall air quality of the region.
Strategic Planning Principles One Air Basin Binational, Tri-state Cooperation Coordination and Leveraging of Resources Reflect Community’s Input Information Sharing Reach Consensus Prioritize Actions based upon: Cost-effectiveness Significance of Impact Feasibility
Strategic Planning Framework Sources Activities PointAreaMobile Planning Management Health Impacts Research Financing The Strategic Plan Technical Sub- commission worked more than a year. It evaluated more than 100 ideas and prioritized them based on cost-effectiveness, feasibility, and significance of impact. The result was a list of 26 priority measures.
Key issues/actions Oxygenated fuels Designated commuter lane International economic incentives ISEP Emission trading Modernization of brick kilns Vehicle inspection and importation Environmental audits/Clean Industries Program Used tires Resolutions
Key issues/actions – con’t Integration of Juarez monitors into LEADs Cash for Clunkers Mobile5Mexico mobile source Emiss. Factors Heavy Duty Vehicle emissions testing Part 5 Particulate Matter Model in Cd. Juarez Area Source Emissions Inventory for Juarez Developed Point Source E.I. in Cd. Juarez Promoted Hi-Volume—Lo-Pressure paint guns
The One Basin Resolution Recognizes a common air shed comprised of three jurisdictions Calls on municipal, state and federal governments for assistance in Funding Priority Expertise Overcoming obstacles that stand in the way of a unified air basin, to:
OBR Objectives Accurately define the scope of the air basin, rather than use political boundaries Standardize monitoring, forecasting, and data collection & dissemination Develop standardized and accurate emissions inventories Promote joint modeling activities Harmonize the respective air quality standards and management/control programs
JAC Retreat / Reorganization (5 Technical Committees) Data / Information systems Data / Information systems Particulate Matter Particulate Matter Mobile Sources Mobile Sources Emerging Issues Emerging Issues Ways and Means Ways and Means
JAC Processes Better public advertising of meetings Better public advertising of meetings Invite more public participation Invite more public participation Include public on technical committees Include public on technical committees Even as chairs Even as chairs Possible expand formal membership Possible expand formal membership
Future Continue OBR philosophy Continue OBR philosophy Pursue full development of economic incentive mechanisms Pursue full development of economic incentive mechanisms Serve as AQ Task Force for Border 2012 Regional Work Group Serve as AQ Task Force for Border 2012 Regional Work Group Review Strategic Plan Review Strategic Plan Remain engaged in redesignation Remain engaged in redesignation Work to get Cd. Juarez into compliance with Mexican Norms Work to get Cd. Juarez into compliance with Mexican Norms Continue as resource for other air basin initiatives Continue as resource for other air basin initiatives
Los hombres de buena voluntad, trabajando juntos, pueden llegar a soluciones justas de problemas mutuos, y trabajando conjuntamente, encontrarán la amistad y lograrán la comprension. People of good will, working together, can arrive at just solutions to mutual problems, and working jointly, they shall find friendship and achieve understanding. -Unknown Inscribed at the Chamizal National Memorial.
Border 2012 Meeting Discussion Points Biodiesel Proposal Biodiesel Proposal Low-S Diesel Low-S Diesel Brickkiln reconstruction Brickkiln reconstruction Collaborate between Regional WG’s on: Collaborate between Regional WG’s on: Road Paving – Dust Suppression Road Paving – Dust Suppression Visibility research: BRAVO III?? Visibility research: BRAVO III?? Consider contributions from North-Central MX Consider contributions from North-Central MX Initiate Dust Advisories during hi-wind events Initiate Dust Advisories during hi-wind events Consider HOV on BOTA Consider HOV on BOTA Consider Mass transit crossings at Rail bridge Consider Mass transit crossings at Rail bridge Request TCEQ provide vehicle emissions data from int’l bridges Request TCEQ provide vehicle emissions data from int’l bridges Request MX Customs enforce vehicle importation laws Request MX Customs enforce vehicle importation laws