VNO-NCW & MKB-Nederland Since 31 August 2009: merge of secretariats Two boards Two Presidents Separate but coordinated communication with media
VNO-NCW Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers 150 branch associations ( companies) Almost all companies >500 workers 92% of companies 100 – 500 workers 80% of companies 10 – 100 workers
MKB-Nederland Confederation of small and medium sized enterprises 120 branch associations sme’s
Goal Achieving a good business environment and investment climate to boost the competitiveness of Dutch companies
Activities towards: Political market: promotion of the interests of NL business Members: services Society as a whole: social acceptance
SER/Labour Foundation Social Economic Council and Labour Foundation play important role in our lobby Agreement in SER or LF creates broad support for policy Examples: SER Energy Agreement for Sustainable Growth Labour Foundation: Social Agreement
Social Partners negotiations National Level: SER Labour Foundation Sector/Branch Level ± 200 sector CLA’s Company level ± 500 company CLA’s Information and consultation: works councils