Tunde Kamali Deputy Director/Ag. Head, Office of the Chief Economist Securities and Exchange Commission, Nigeria 25th November, 2015 IOSCO Now
IOSCO has during the period focused on two very important areas of its activities
Expand education, training and research offerings Build requisite regulatory and market skill and knowledge
Components - Establishment of pilot training hubs - Creation of an online toolkit (OT) in the members only area of the IOSCO website - Launching of a global certificate programme Pilot Training Hubs - IOSCO is working on establishing pilot training hubs in each of its regions – AMERC, APRC, ERC & IARC – in early This is aimed at localising capacity building, improve accessibility and reduce overall cost of training and development activities - Selection process on-going - Nigeria, member of Selection Committee
Online Tool - kit - The OT will allow IOSCO members to access, in detail, the relevant standards, guidelines, training manuals and case studies in different peer jurisdictions - It will also include presentations and speeches made by IOSCO members and other experts - Further, the OT will allow for cross-sharing of expertise and ongoing dialogue and discussion (via webinars), features which were strongly supported by the GEMC members. - It is expected to start with two modules : Risk Based Supervision and Enforcement - the first two capacity building priorities identified by GEMC members. - Development of the portal is ongoing
Global Certificate Programme In direct response to members’ desires, discussions are currently ongoing with a top university in the USA to develop a three - week global certificate programme for securities regulators. - The Programme will consist of seminar sessions at the IOSCO Head Quarters (or elsewhere) and the University. - This will be supplemented with selected learning modules of the Online Tool kit. - The 3 – phased Programme will have securities regulators deliver core regulatory topics while topics examining new and cutting edge regulatory issues, will be handled by University professors, research fellows and securities regulators. - Full operations is planned to commence in early 2016.
Thank you! Tunde Kamali