November 16-20
Art 1- 2,4,6,7 Some sketchbooks are not graded today- they will be by tomorrow- Your weekly is due Friday – Theme – things you are thankful for with a background Get art box- get paper from box at front of room- Get out phone if you have it - if not you will need to move to the set up- Intro to Project- This is like a Big unit test- Part 1 set up- Show next slide Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!- SS2 setting up paper with art elements- composition
Composition Grade- 100 pts- Pick one of your photos Zoom in some Now – draw this set up using broken shapes- you can have geometric/angular and or organic/curved shapes – focus on the shapes – even the empty space needs a shape- Process pause- to check for understanding of concepts Exit ticket if needed.
Art 1- 5 th- Do not have phone in til I tell you so. Art box- project paper- work on and start to finish pastels on project- Remember you have your phone in when I say it is ok- As you finish work on your weekly for this week- Some sketchbooks are not graded today- see me if you need to work on it- Your weekly is due Friday –Theme – things you are thankful for with a background Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!- SS2 finishing shapes- and ss3 evaluation to see if it is complete
Art 1-Graphic Med Lesson 2 finish pen tool - Tomorrow - charlie brown cover design- Your weekly is due Friday –Theme – things you are thankful for with a background Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Tuesday Art 1- 2,4,6,7 Your weekly is due Friday –Theme – things you are thankful for with a background BELLWORK- get sketchbook-if here- open to blank page- date it Explain how listening to music can help you focus on your drawing- Explain how it could hurt your drawing Get manila paper/ project Tape directions Today- focus on the composition- I will be grading as I walk around 100pts- must have broken shapes- and fill the page- Tape front page for cover and labeling last 10 min Bell work if needed- to close out lesson and review for SS2 shapes- Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-focus on the composition SS2 broken shapes-balance
Tuesday – art 1 5th Your weekly is due Friday –Theme – things you are thankful for with a background BELLWORK- get sketchbook-if here- open to blank page- date it Explain how listening to music can help you focus on your drawing- Explain how it could hurt your drawing Complete your project- clean up all crumbs Last phase tomorrow- and critique Thursday- Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!- SS1 and SS2- to complete a project and present it in a correct fashion.
Tuesday- Graphic media Intro to Play project- all people will work on charlie brown images get them off server to crop and select Save in folder initals_charlie on server when finished. Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Wednesday Art 1 2,4,6,7 Your weekly is due Friday –Theme – things you are thankful for with a background Get art box and project- Goal is to complete the composition today- Do not work on pastels until I check composition. Finish drawing composition and raise your hand- I will come and critique then explain about pastels and how to colorize the drawing get paper towel and begin pastels- Clean up time-make sure all oil pastel is off the desk and not flaking - exit ticket if needed Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-ss1 and 2 drawing shapes and using oil pastels to render Goal for all students to complete composition-
Wednesday Art 1- 5th Your weekly is due Friday –Theme – things you are thankful for with a background Bell work- get sketch book and explain why I used so many sizes of paper on this project and how using your phone helped with the composition. Finish oil pastels if you can today Finished?? Then we will move to final step- get cup of water- big brush, bread rack and water color set out. Demo to come- Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Wednesday Graphic Media Your weekly is due Friday –Theme – things you are thankful for with a background Charlie brown images and piece Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Thursday Art 1 2,4,6,7 Your weekly is due Friday –Theme – things you are thankful for with a background Get paper towel+paper+art box+ paper from intro to oil pastels(keep it in your art box) Goal for today- all people applying oil pastels and must have ¼ of project completed today- Remember- you must have all of the techniques for the oil pastel color application on your project- Meeting SS1 Clean up crumbs- No bell work – get working – If I need to grade raise your hand. Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!- Staying on schedule working with SS1 pastels
SS1-media(oil pastel) and SS2-color Remember- colors- real or you create- watch business Color styles Solid for small areas only A color with white A color with black 2 related colors 2 related colors with white Other ways to make a color dark- Complement Brown Darker color
Thursday Art 1- 5th Your weekly is due Friday –Theme – things you are thankful for with a background Get project and complete today PLEase- If finished- get project- get ink and small/med brush Use your brush and ink- use calligraphy lines to paint the white areas black- Yes the ink will cover the pastels Be careful and do not spill your ink Get paper to put under your paper to keep ink from the desk Work on weekly__ I could give you the critique if you do not work on something. GOAL:- finish all pastels and ink ¼ of the piece Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!- completing a project and critique- SS3
Thursday Graphic Media Your weekly is due Friday –Theme – things you are thankful for with a background Finish charlie brown poster- Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Friday Art 1 2 nd, 4 th, 6 th and 7 th Sketchbook- open to drawing and put date on back Bring it to me open Get project continue working with oil pastels Goals!!! Make sure you keep your area clean- some complaints about crumbs were made- clean your desk Goal!! Get ½ of the project completed with oil pastels and keep working if you have ½ see if you can finish. Listening to music- one ear bud in at all times- take out when administrator comes in – take out when I am talking to class- wait til I instruct you to use them. Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Friday Art 1 5th Sketchbook- open to drawing and put date on back Bring it to me open Goal all oil pastels completed!! Goal finish inking the white lines- If finished – watercolor black wash on top of painting – let dry Critique Monday Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-
Friday Graphic Media open drawing for grading and save as initials_11_20 Finish charlie brown Concept/Activity/Skill- What will student learn today!-