1 Sardes & other topics J.B Stefani -- INRIA Rhône-Alpes Sardes is also a team within the IMAG/LSR Lab (CNRS-UJF-INPG)
2 Outline Context: Middleware projects at INRIA Sardes Team Vision & Challenge Project objectives Research themes Recent results Technology transfer Positioning
3 Middleware projects at INRIA Theme 1A: Communicating systems: Distributed Systems and software architecture Aces, Arles, Compose, Jacquard, Oasis, Obasco, Sardes Theme 1B: Communicating systems: Networks and telecoms Ares, Madynes Theme 4B: Numerical systems: Grids and high- performance computing Apache, Grand Large, Paris, Graal
4 Team qProject Leader ©J.B. Stefani, DR INRIA (on leave, Corps des Télécommunications) qPermanent Staff INRIA ©D. Hagimont, CR INRIA ©A. Schmitt, CR INRIA qPermanent Staff Universities ©F. Boyer, MC, UJF ©S. Bouchenak, MC, UJF ©N. De Palma, MC INPG ©S. Jean, MC UPMF ©S. Krakowiak, PR, UJF ©J. Mossière, PR, INPG q7 PhD Students
5 Vision Self-managed distributed systems self-configurable, self-monitoring, self-repairing Spanning different scale ranges smart dust to grids Continuously adapting internal and external changes Ubiquitous large geographical dispersion, mobility Dependable available, secure, etc. Meaningful environment, context, intentions
6 Challenge Building highly configurable and manageable distributed systems System engineering programming & system models run-time & linguistic support architectural patterns and frameworks Autonomous systems management distributed monitoring distributed configuration management fault and performance management
7 Project objectives To develop a rigorous, reflective component basis for the construction of self-configurable and self-manageable systems To develop distributed software infrastructures (operating system, middleware) for autonomic distributed systems
8 Research themes Main research themes: Reflective component technology Autonomous systems management Applications areas: high-availability J2EE servers dynamic monitoring, configuration and resource management in large scale distributed systems (e.g. Grids) embedded systems, ubiquitous computing
9 Aside: Exo-kernel middleware A view of the OW Long term code base 4 strata towards a middleware exo-kernel no predefined functionality, not software layers Stratum #1: Components lightweight, reflective component model (Fractal) common set of tools for static and dynamic code generation and adaptation Stratum #2 : Architectural Frameworks pattern-based architectural frameworks for hard recurring issues naming, types and meta-data communications monitoring and failure detection resource management distributed configuration management
10 Aside: Exo-kernel middleware Stratum #3: Clusters of distributed system services P2P indexing and routing Asynchronous communication services Transactions & Orchestration Configuration and Resource Management High-availability support Persistency support Distributed queries etc Stratum #4: Integrated platforms and standards-compliant personalities J2EE Web services OGSI CORBA etc
11 Research themes Reflective component technology Models and foundations higher-order process calculi for distributed component-based programming open problems: –behavioral theory; component sharing; failures & recoverable actions; multi-stage distributed programming Support for component-based programming component models architecture description languages extensible & retargettable toolset open problems: –dynamicity in ADLs; support for dynamic reconfiguration; type systems for safe component-based programming; on-line & reversible optimization
12 Research themes Autonomous systems management Distributed configuration management software deployment, distributed reconfiguration open problems: –handling multiple versions, partial failures, distributed component dependencies; automatic, multi-level system cartography; orchestrating deployment and reconfiguration in large scale systems Automated performability management System monitoring, performability management open problems: –causality analysis & multi-level resource accounting; resource virtualization; automatic fault detection; identification for system performance; management of performability service level agreeements
13 Sample ongoing works & results Software component technology Fractal reflective component model [CBSE 04] software architecture with selective reflection co-developped with FTR&D available at: Process calculi foundations for distributed component-based programming M-calculus [POPL 03], Kell calculus [GC 04] equivalences, type systems and abstract machines for higher-order calculi with process passivation
14 Sample ongoing works & results Software infrastructures Autonomous J2EE repair management: Jade [SRDS 05] Fractal-based framework for configuration and repair management in J2EE app. server clusters Reflective component-based middleware framework: Dream [RM 04] Fractal-based framework for the construction of dynamically configurable, resource-aware middleware Component-based operating systems: Think [Usenix 02] Fractal-based framework and library for the construction of secure, dynamically configurable operating system kernels co-developed with FTR&D & ST Microelectronics available at:
15 System management loops component-based approach system model using components systematic construction of supervision loops Managed system Sensor AnalysisDecision Actuator Notification transportCommand transport
16 J2EE clusters Multi-tier structure web tier servlet/JSP container EJB container database tier Internet
17 Autonomic J2EE clusters supervision loops use cases admission control dynamic sizing dynamic load balancing failure detection and reconfiguration Internet
18 Technology transfer Mainly through the ObjectWeb open source consortium efficient distribution channel real-world applications positive feedback framework for cooperation Sardes personnel participation J.B. Stefani: INRIA Board representative and past Board Chairman Sardes contributions (past & present): C-JDBC, Dream, Fractal, JOnAS clustering, JMOB (CLIF, RUBIS),Think
19 Industrial relations France Telecom R&D Fractal component model Think component-based OS Distributed configuration management ST Microelectronics Think for SoC/NoC Bull Component-based J2EE servers J2EE management Scalagent Component-based asynchronous middleware Distributed systems management
20 Project positioning Main assets of the project combination of concurrent programming language semantics & distributed systems engineering development and use of original reflective software component technology systems engineering technology encompassing different systems layers (OS & middleware) emphasis on distributed systems management strong involvement in ObjectWeb