1 The Keyword Profiles report tells you where people from search arrive when they use specific keywords in search engines*. *Including but not limited to google, yahoo, bing, etc. Keyword Profiles Quick Guide
2 Keyword Profiles - Common Uses Monitor your share of specific keywords over time. Identify competitors for keywords important to your business. Optimize your paid search campaigns. Optimize your content marketing and SEO efforts Prospecting Hone in on sales prospects. Find new partners or vendors. Find a list of quality publishers for PR. Understand which social media sites rank well for these keywords.
3 Broad versus Exact Match Broad Match over 7K domains, includes results such as “running shoes, dress shoes, men’s shoes, etc.” Exact Match returns 173 sites only includes searches for the EXACT keyword “shoes”.
4 Keyword Profile for “shoes” Displays websites that receive traffic from the specified keyword “shoes” over the past 90 days. 1. The report dates are displayed above the table. 2. Filter the result of the report using the Search Insights & Manual Filters. 3. Export the results to CSV to use in Excel
5 Keyword Profile Report Column Headers Site – represents the website that an actual user visited immediately after searching on the keyword. (ex: shoes). Industry Category - represents the content group that the site falls into. Volume - the share of a keyword's downstream traffic that is generated by visiting an individual site after a user does a search. Paid Share - the breakdown of search referral share generated by paid search referrals from this particular keyword. Natural Share - the breakdown of search referral share generated by natural click-throughs from this particular keyword. Search Referral Share - the share of total search traffic (90 day moving average) generated to the destination website by a specific keyword. Average Referrals - the running three month average of the total volume of search referrals that a site receives. This metric is NOT tied to the specific keyword in the Keyword Profiles Report.
6 Keyword Profiles Report SiteIndustry Category
7 Keyword Profiles Report - Volume Volume of search traffic from the exact match keyword “beads” Volume keyword to multiple websites 33% Keyword Website 33% Volume helps you understand how much “share” a domain has of a specific keyword’s traffic. The pie chart on the left displays the Volume of the search term “beads” various domains receive from search engines. While the diagram on the right displays how the relationship between the keyword and the websites functions.
8 Keyword Profiles Report Paid Share Example of Google Paid Search Ads
9 Keyword Profiles Report Natural Share Example of Google Natural Search
10 Keyword Profiles Report When looking at the Keyword Profiles report the search referral share tells you how important the keyword is to the overall traffic of a domain. Referrers with >0.01% Search Referral Share may have a high volume of traffic from a keyword but the keyword isn’t important to their overall traffic. Search Referral Share Percentage of traffic from all keywords to a domain. Website Keyword 2 Keyword 1 Keyword 3
11 Keyword Profiles Report Average Search Referrals Average of the past three months of total search referrals for Zappos.com Feb, March, April = about 3 million.