MI Tanks Survey Mobile Application Version th Nov 2015
MI Tanks Survey Mobile Application Select Language,State,District, Block and Enter Mobile Number. Select “Get Pin” to generate Pin Number. After installing the application, system will ask to select Designation, District, Mandal, Panchayat and then Enter Mobile Number Drop down 1.APO 2.EC 3.TA 4.FA 5.Others
Select Language,State,District, Block and Enter Mobile Number. Select “Get Pin” to generate Pin Number. Select Designation, District, Mandal, Panchayat and then Enter Mobile Number and finally click Get Pin button to get 4 digit pin number through SMS. MI Tanks Survey Mobile Application
Touch and hold the screen to login to the application. Then apps will navigate to menu page. MI Tanks Survey Mobile Application
Select Language,State,District, Block and Enter Mobile Number. Select “Get Pin” to generate Pin Number. To capture the MI tanks information, user has to click on “MI Tank Survey” button. Then apps will navigate to next page. MI Tanks Survey Mobile Application
Select Language,State,District, Block and Enter Mobile Number. Select “Get Pin” to generate Pin Number. IN this page user has to capture the following details. 1.Select Habitation 2.Enter MI tank Name 3.Select Yes/No as it is worked under NeeruChettu program or not. 4.If user selects “Yes” then apps will ask to enter 1. NREGS expenditure and 2. Irrigation Dept Expenditure. If user selects “No” then apps will not ask to enter “Expenditure”. 5.Click on “Start” button to capture the GEO fencing of boundary of the MI tank area. Once you click on “Start” button. Then apps will start capturing GPS coordinates. Then user has to walk along the boundary of the MI tank Note: NREGS Expenditure and Irrigation dept Expenditure both are mandatory. Minimum zero should be entered. MI Tanks Survey Mobile Application
When apps starts capturing GPS coordinates, then user has to walk through the boundary of the MI tank. Once the circle is finished, then user has to click on “Boundary Capturing Completed”. Once this process is completed, the user has to capture the Images of the MI tank(Minimum 4 images Maximum 7 images). MI Tanks Survey Mobile Application “Boundary Capturing Completed” Button
Once the capturing of Images is done, Then user has to select the “Save” button to save the data in the mobile. MI Tanks Survey Mobile Application “Save” Button
To upload the saved data, user has to select the “Send Saved Data” button. Once user select the button, then apps will navigate to next page, where user can see the saved data, user can upload data tank wise. MI Tanks Survey Mobile Application