Gender Evaluation Methodology: A learning tool for change and empowerment Chat Garcia Ramilo Association for Progressive Communications
the story of GEM in the beginning, there was the project which produced the tool that grew the community
the GEM tool contains a gender analytical framework drawn from gender and feminist research and thinking a guide that structures the integration of gender analysis in evaluating ICT projects
the GEM community GEM testers and users - those who have used the GEM tool in evaluating their projects or programs GEM facilitators - those who train others in using the tool through workshops and those who use the tool to help others integrate gender in their project/program design and evaluation.
the GEM project GEM 0: creating the first version of the GEM tool GEM 1: testing and refining the tool GEM 2: adapting the tool more broadly and deepening capacity of its use
GEM documenting lessons in women’s electronic networking. writing GEM tool version 1 conducting first GEM workshop
GEM testing and use of the GEM tool 32 projects 25 countries - teleworking in Malaysia - popular educators network in Sao Paolo, Brasil - ICT skills training for women in several rural communities in Nigeria - People’s call center in Bangladesh - GKP seed grantee
GEM 1 producing GEM tool version 2 4 languages training GEM facilitators 31 facilitators, 20 countries starting GEM services - building capacity of the APC WNSP
GEM 1 the process from GEM 0 to GEM 1 built the capacity of network of GEM evaluators as well as inspired a diverse range of practitioners to examine their projects from a gender perspective.
GEM 2 GEM 2 builds on the GEM 1 process by adapting the tool to various circumstances, building deeper capacity and producing more evaluation resources. Its ultimate goal is to strengthen gender evaluation practice among key actors in the field of ICT for development.
GEM 2 research in four thematic areas - telecenters, localization, ICT projects in rural communities and national ICT policy processes development of gender evaluation resources formation of sustainable practitioners network training of evaluators
the story continues How this story unfolds, will be seen in the next three years. I sincerely hope that there will be no sequel to GEM 2 so that we can begin to write and tell a new story.
……….. the end.