Isopods Genus: Pill Bug Species: Sow bug Sunflower Genus: Helianthus Species: Annus Habitat Adaptations Body Parts Food Chain Food Web Life Cycle
Bibliography invertebrates/isopod/pillbugprintout.shtml
Life Cycle A Isopod starts as an egg. It looks like a miniature adult when it’s young. A it gets bigger it molds (sheds old exoskeleton).
Food Chain Vertebrates and invertebrates eat the isopod, the isopod eats dead plants or live plants. +
Habitat They are found in forests, rainforest, grasslands, soil, dead plants, dead rocks, and dead logs.
Food Web My animal eats dead plants. Vertebrates eat my animal( by the way my animal is an Isopod). The Isopod is a consumer because it’s useful to nature. The Isopod is a herbivore because it eats plants.
Adaptations The Isopods defense is rolling into a ball. When it rolls into a ball nothing can hit it, but when something squeezes it, it crushes the shell that protects the Isopod from danger. Then the Isopod dies because someone, or something crushed the shell which protected the Isopod, so the Isopod dies because the isopod got crushed with the shell.
Body Parts “The isopod has an abdomen, Exopods of Uropods, Pleotelson, 7 pairs of jointed legs, Gray to brown exoskeleton, antennas, cephalothorax ( the head fused with first segments of thorax, and pereon the second – seventh segments of the thorax).” Information by