Welcome to Our 2011 ~ 2012 Curriculum Night Please sign in at the back table.
Our Schedule 8:15 – 8:45 Preparing for the day and Morning Work 8:45 – 9:00 WPRN 9:00 – 9:30 Word Work 9:30-10:15 Writing 10:15 – 11:00 Science or Social Studies 11:00 – 11:30 Snack/Recess 11:30 – 1:00 Math 1:00 – 1:20 Read Aloud and AR 1:20 – 1:45 Lunch 1:45 – 2:45 Reading Workshop 2:45 – 3:30 Specials (Tuesday, Thursday, Friday) 2:00 on Mondays 3:30 – 3:45 AR/Dismissal
Specials Monday: Art/P.E. (don’t forget those sneakers!) Tuesday: Computers Thursday: Media Friday: Music
General Procedures Morning Routine: Turn in homework, prepare for the day, morning work, AR Homework is always written on the board and students are responsible for writing it in their agenda. Please sign agendas nightly. Students also need to be writing down the book that they are reading for 30 min. each night. Agendas and homework folder comes home nightly. Tuesday folders: Please sign the top paper and return in the folder. Papers that are not stapled in the packet can be kept at home. If you need more than one night with the old work please let me know. AR folders will come home on Friday. Please initial and return to school on Monday. **Please see separate sheet for homework procedures**
3 rd Grade Literacy Big Change: K-2 Learning to Read 3-5 Reading to Learn Literacy includes reading, writing, listening, and speaking Reading -Comprehension Strategies are developed using a variety of genres -Variety of texts used for class work and assessments -Reading requires higher level thinking and analytical skills, making inferences, drawing conclusions, and deductive reasoning -Involves making connections
3 rd Grade Literacy cont. Writing -Students will take notes; write narratives, reports, and poetry -Develop writing skills (write paragraphs, use conventions properly, and spell correctly) -Use appropriate resources (dictionary, thesaurus, research tools, …)
AR AR is a school-wide reading program. Research has proven that when used correctly, AR does improve reading comprehension. It is an individualized program. Students complete a STAR reading assessment on the computer. Based on the results, individual goals are assigned. Each student is expected to meet his/her individual goal. You can check your child’s progress on Renaissance Home Connect
Literacy Materials Imagine It Novels/Trade Books Periodicals Technology Reader’s Theatre/Plays Other
3 rd Grade Mathematics Our goal in Math is to provide opportunities for students to learn and apply concepts in a meaningful and efficient way while developing a depth in mathematical reasoning. (Become independent THINKERS!) Our concept strands include: Number Sense, Place Value, Fractions, Geometry, Algebra, Graphing and Data Collection, Probability and Permutations, and every concept is taken to problem solving using higher order thinking and logic
Science/Social Studies Our four major science units are: Soil, Objects in the Sky, Muscular & Skeletal Systems, and Plants. We will be working on science projects and experiments using the scientific method. Social Studies: We will be using our Social Studies book as we explore how communities grow and change, learn about our country and its history, differentiate between rules and laws, and recognize symbols of our country. We will develop map reading skills, conflict resolution strategies, and learn to read informational text and graphics.
Grading Big change from 2 nd to 3 rd grade! Last Year 3= = ~60-791=~ <60 This Year A = B = C = D = F = < 70 Please be reviewing papers that come home in Tuesday folders as well as Parent Assistant.
Assessments Classroom informal and formal assessments Formative Assessments EOG: ** Math – Calculator Active and Calculator Inactive (2 days) There is more reading required for the math section **Reading – variety of genres, multiple passages (1 day) We will hold an information meeting about the End of Grade Tests in the Spring.
Thank you for returning the Volunteer Sheets! Please consider being a Math SuperStars Volunteer!
Communication Webpage
Thank you for coming!!!