GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#8, , March 2012, Patna 1 GISFI#8 Green ICT Working Group: Activity Update and Agenda Company:NEC Corporation Author(s):Chair Contact Purpose:Discussion and Approval Document nr.:GISFI_GICT_
2 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#8, , March 2012, Patna Activities Since GISFI#7 LS sent to TEC on “GISFI Input to TEC- NWG5 on Measurement of Energy Efficiency of Network Infrastructure” TRs approved: –TR-GICT.102v100 Study on Potential enhancements of ICT –TR-GICT.103v100 Study on usage of ICT to make other sectors green –TR GICT.105v100 Study on Metrics and Measurement Methods for Energy Efficiency
3 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#8, , March 2012, Patna Other Actions from GISFI#7 Send LS to ATIS –Draft LS is available Send LS to ITU-T SG5 –Draft LS is available Check other Indian bodies active in the field of green ICT like FICCI, TRAI, TEC (DoT), BIS, MNRE (Ministry for green energy). A document should be created with summarized information on activity of each Indian body in the field of Green ICT and liaison should be created where necessary. –One input document is available Finalize following WIDs –WID on Energy Efficiency Measurement Metrics for Green ICT –WID on Global Green Mobile Charger
4 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#8, , March 2012, Patna Agenda GISFI#8 Review LSes –ATIS –ITU-T Review and finalize the 2 WIDs Energy Efficiency related, Ericsson –Does GISFI membership agree to accept dynamic measurement methods for Base-Station (GSM voice) work in Green ICT WG as high priority? –Is GISFI interested in taking the leadership on dynamic measurement methods for Base-Station (GSM voice) topic? Conclusion: There is full consensus for acceptance –Feedback expected from VNL on Base-Station configurations to be used for Indian scenarios – some configurations were not relevant for India Green India (Green Initiatives in India), B. Hooli Green Agriculture, NEC
5 GISFI_GICT_ GISIF#8, , March 2012, Patna Few Points Study activities in India regarding Green ICT Identify Indian government requirements on Green ICT and provide input Provide input to TEC national working group for SG5 –Plan conf calls for ad-hoc input requests –Week of April 11 – chair announce…. Separate GISFI - TEC meeting on Green ICT Next meeting scope and ToC of energy efficiency