San Juan College Assessment Team Chair: Andrea Cooper, PhD Spring 2014
Institutional CSLOs Assessment Team Program Assessment Plan Academic Schools Course Department Classroom Instructor Gen Ed CSLOs Assessment Team
Broad and Specialized Learning (BSL) Critical Thinking (CT) Cultural and Civic Engagement (CCE) Effective Communication (EC) Integrating Technologies (IT)
1. Teachers Teach to Clear Objectives to Support Student Learning. - Teachers align course design and daily lesson objectives with Syllabus/Course Learning Outcomes. 2. Teachers Apply Effective Practices in Curriculum and Instruction to Support Student Learning. - Teachers base best practices on discipline needs, professional development, collaboration with colleagues, and research. 3. Teachers Frequently Assess Student Learning. - Teachers use formative (non-graded) and summative (graded) assessments to guide student learning towards and identify student achievement of objectives and Course Learning Outcomes. - Departments use course level assessments and solicit external feedback from stakeholders to evaluate student performance. 4. Teachers Use Assessments to Revise Curriculum and Instruction to Improve Student Achievement. - Teachers use best practices research, professional development, and collaboration with colleagues to guide curricular revisions.
Total artifacts assessed=106
Areas 2 and 3 have no data currently. These areas have revealed challenged with our data collection. Either artifacts were not available for certain courses or content experts were needed for assessment. The Assessment Team is working hard to meet these challenges.
4 5 15
5=Exemplary 4=Proficient 3=Competent 2=Developing 1=Unsatisfactory CSLO Assessment Total Artifacts assessed=436 Average
Artifacts collected last semester (FA 13) will be assessed this semester (SP14).
During CLSO assessment, online courses are part of our random selection every semester. 27% of sample since 2009 Online courses that have been sampled include: › SAFE 250 › SAFE 251 › SAFE 260 › PTAP 260 (2 sections) › COSC 125 › POLS 250 › PSYC 230 › ENGL 211 › ENGL 218 (2 sections) › ENGL 262
Bigger sample sizes are more accurate › Focused on collecting CCE artifacts Focus on CT › Held several workshops/sessions › Discussed how we teach CT and how we can teach it more effectively In the last 2 years, 17 assessment sessions/workshops have been held to increase understanding and participation. Over 330 people have participated.
Questions or comments? Contact: › Andrea Cooper, PhD School Reps: Janet Peterson-Humanities Gordon DeSpain-Math/Science Murdoch Maloney-Business Dean Patscheck-Energy Kerry Meier-T&T Amy Cooper-Health Sciences