Endangered animals of Vladimirskaya region Endangered animals of our region of our region Работу выполнили ученики 6 «Б» класса Корнилова А. Новиков Н. Новикова Е. Учитель Акимова Е.И. МБОУ CОШ № 1 Александров
The natural world of our region is very rich 55 species of animals 216 species of birds 45 species of fishes 2
The Red Book of Vladimir region 160 animals need protection 3
4 The main question of the research:
Methods of the research Studying the literature Visiting the museum of nature Making the inquiry 5
Bears: there are no more bears in our forests 6
Lynxes: there are no more than 30 lynxes in our region 7
Desmans: there are only about 2000 desmans in our region 8
Eagle-owls: their population is not defined 9
Tiger-moths are endangered all over the world 10
The inquiry “Have you ever seen these animals?” 11
The conclusion 12 There are less and less animals each year Human activity Changes in ecology
The list of internet-sourсes 1. rticles/3819.html Животные Владимирской области 2. =com_content&view=section&id=8&It emid=47 Единая дирекция особо охраняемых природных территорий Владимирской области. rticles/3819.htmlhttp://едоопт.рф/index.php?option =com_content&view=section&id=8&It emid=47 14