Leader Alejandro Ortiz GMF Consultant Frank Hernandez GMF Developer Frank Hernandez Parser Designer/Programmer Alejandro Ortiz Minute Taker Ariel Cary Leader Frank Hernandez GMF Consultant Frank Hernandez GMF Developer Frank Hernandez Parser Designer/Programmer Alejandro Ortiz Minute Taker Ariel Cary Leader Ariel Cary GMF Consultant Frank Hernandez GMF Developer Alejandro Ortiz Parser Designer/Programmer Frank Hernandez Minute Taker Ariel Cary Phase II Phase III Phase I Rapid Realization of Communication Services System (RRComSSys) Team 1 1.Cary, Ariel 2.Hernandez, Frank 3.Ortiz, Alejandro Roles 1.Leader 2.GMF Consultant 3.GMF Developer 4.Parser Designer/Programmer 5.Minute Taker
Project Overview Rapid Realization of Communication Services System, a system that will allow users to create communication models using a declarative Communication Modeling Language (CML) with a user-friendly graphical infrastructure. This system allows the implementation of a variety of communication models, simply by dragging shapes and connecting them into the modeling environment, and in a matter of minutes get a working model implemented to communicate any number of end users.
Project Schedule
User Interfaces: Creation Visual Development Environment (VDE)
User Interface: Execution
Package Decomposition
Comm. Modeling Environment
Schema Transformation Engine
Synthesis Engine
Simplified Modeling Class Diagram
Profile Metamodel
Profile Modeling Environment
Profile Execution
Test Case Name:Test Create Terminal Requirement ID: 1.8_CrtTerm Purpose:The purpose of this test case is to test the Create Terminal Use Case. Dependencies:None Environment/ Configuration: None Initialization:The Communication Modeling Environment must be initialized prior the execution of this test. Finalization:If no shape is drawn, the CME must be checked before any other test takes place. Actions:Select Terminal from the shape palette in the CME. Drag the Terminal onto the canvas. Input data:Attempts to perform the actions specified on the ‘Action’ section. Expected results: The Terminal shape is drawn on the canvas. Actual results:The Terminal shape is drawn on the canvas. Pass/Fail: PASS
Use Case Use Case – Create Terminal Use Case ID: 1.8_CrtTerm Use Case Level: High-level. Scenario: The CVM developer puts a terminal shape on the canvas. · Actor: CVM Developer. · Description: 1. The CVM developer clicks the shape on the shape palette that he or she wants to include in the CVM model. 2. The system highlights the shape on the palette. 3. While holding the mouse button pressed, the CVM developer drags the shape onto the canvas and releases the mouse button. 4. The system draws the selected shape on the canvas and assigns default values for its attributes.
Sequence Diagram
Statechart Diagram
Questions? “Madness? THIS IS SPARTA!”