T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop TF1: Physics integration for high performance RFP Proposals and discussion T. Bolzonella, A. Canton, M. Zuin
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop Motivation: RFX original targets From Sergio Ortolani’s office
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop Motivation
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop Motivation
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop Task Force 1 “Physics integration for high performance RFP”
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop Task Force 1 “Physics integration for high performance RFP” ?
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop A few preliminary comments Physics integration: o We want to reach all the parameters listed as RFX targets and then integrate them in the same discharge o To reach this final target we also need to integrate advanced knowledge in different physics areas: wall conditioning and plasma fuelling, edge and core transport, axisymmetric and MHD control (TF2),... High performance o What is plasma performance? o Plasma performance is quantitatively described by few parameters: , E ( E,e + E,i ?), n. we should refer to them... o Note: good confinement is often a necessary but not sufficient condition to get high performance plasmas! RFP o Of course RFP configuration is our target, but can we improve RFP confinement and performances by operating in other configurations like ULq and tokmak?
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop Main areas covered by proposals Wall conditioning techniques + analysis (LLL, GDC, boronization) 13% Effects of different particle fuelling techniques 6% High density 6% Transport (impurities, cold pulse, LBO) 7% SHAx triggering (by pellet, by NBI, by n=6,...) 6%
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop Main areas covered by proposals Internal B field meas. by pellets, polarimetry, MSE 9% Advanced operations (OPCD, OFCD, SSCD+PPCD) 6% Scalings (dynamo, DRE, turbulence, barrier, very deep and very shallow F,...) 23% Low current (m=0, j_parallel, self rotation,...) 9% Only a few “operational”: slow ramp-up, He,...
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop Total of approximately 53 proposals submitted to TF1, very comprehensive approach to “physics integration”. Some of them requiring many experimental days. Interestingly enough, a consistent part of experiments channelled through TF1 requires medium-low Ip. Remember: 37 operational weeks of commissioning + plasma
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop Is it all we need?
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop RFP community integration - 1 F parameter and magnetic fluctuations m=0 m=1 m=2 Total fluctuation n≠0 ULq RFX-mod, M. Zuin RELAX, R. Ikezoe et al., PPCF, 2011
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop RFP community integration - 2 SHAx states RFX-mod team MST team
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop RFP community integration - 3 Scalings F. Auriemma
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop Activity Program RFX-mod and RFP physics fusion science programme for 2011 has two main goals: Goal #1: Answer the question: “Is the RFP a viable fusion reactor concept?”. Goal #2: Strengthen the role of RFX as a multi-tool facility for advancement of magnetic fusion science and technology. These goals should be implemented through four projects Each project can be based on several tasks We do have an official document on scientific priorities: the 2011 Activity Program
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop Activity Program Project 1: exploration and understanding of RFX-mod performance at plasma current above 1.5 MA Task #1: Density and first wall control Task #2: Scenario development Task #3: Physics understanding: data analysis and modeling Project 2: advancing feedback control of MHD stability in fusion devices Project 3: fusion physics in a three-dimensional configuration Project 4: goals and directions for potential upgrades of the RFX experimental facility Task #1: Analysis of confinement and main plasma parameter scaling laws, based on present experimental data Task #2: Exploration of feasible upgrades to the present RFX-mod device Task #3: Concept studies for major RFX-mod upgrades
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop The role of TF1 and TFL Share information on program priorities Optimize the use of experimental time o Machine time is an extremely precious resource! (remember also Elena’s talk) o Many people work (often on shifts) before/during/after the experimental time. Their work deserve the best respect. o Improve the detail of proposals. Done! o Preparation of the experiments: analysis of existing data, experimental plan, shot preparation, analysis tools. o Note that the last point needs to know the experimental schedule in advance! Will this be the hardest challenge of 2011? Help, when possible, data analysis and shared publications
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop Commitments for 2011 Assess the effect of wall conditioning on ETB and ITB formation Assess the effect of F parameter on the maximum density reachable at a given plasma current, if any. Build an integrated view on different helical quantities: MHD equilibrium, magnetic boundary, temperature, density, flow,... Contribute to RFX-mod (and, in general, RFP) scaling database Advance the experimental knowledge on dynamo mechanism in MH, DHAx, SHAx regimes: can we tame DRE? Assess the role of m=0 (and m=2?) in RFX-mod magnetic dynamics
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop What is missing?
T. Bolzonella – 9 February 2011 – RFX-mod programme workshop He plasmas are OK, even if not too many proposals. How about D plasmas in RFX-mod? Would it be possible in 2011? Similarity experiments? (standard discharges, MST-like PPCD, others,...) Experiments aiming at clarifying future directions for RFX and RFPs in general Provocative question: is SHAx the RFP state with the best plasma performances? In MST it is not (yet)... Probably much more...